putting Alis and the twins to bed

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Bloom: ok Alis time for bed
Alis: singsong mommy!
Bloom: oh um ok *sings* go to sleep go to sleep go to sleep little Alis in the morning you will shine go to sleep go to sleep little Alis
Alis: *sleeps*
Bloom: ok Alis make the babies a bottle of warm milk and I will go see if they need there diaper changed
Sky: ok on it
Bloom: well I see both my little babies are up still! mommy needs to check your diapers *picks Rylee up and checks Rylees diaper* fresh Ok Cheyenne mommy's got to check your diaper now *puts Cheyenne  back in her crib and goes and picks up Rylee* oh! You need a diaper change don't you! *changes Rylees diaper*
Sky: hey the bottles are done
Bloom: you feed Rylee I'll feed Cheyenne
Sky: ok hand me Rylee
Bloom: *gives Rylee to Sky*
Sky: ok Rylee time to eat
Rylee: *drinks from the baby bottle*
Bloom: ok Mommy is gonna feed you now Cheyenne
Cheyenne: *drinks from the baby bottle*
Bloom: is Rylee almost done with her bottle Cheyenne is done with hers
Sky she's almost done
Bloom: lets switch babies I'll finish feeding Rylee you try to get Cheyenne to burp
Sky: *hands Rylee to Bloom*
Bloom: *hands Cheyenne to Sky*
Sky: *pats Cheyenne's back* Bloom I have to go back to work at red fountain tomarrow
Bloom: so I will be taking care of the kids until two in the afternoon tomorrow. I wish I could go back to work as a teacher at Alfea sooner
Sky: you are on vacation for a few weeks you'll go back to work soon
Cheyenne: *burps and yawns*
Sky: *sits in the rocking chair and rocks Cheyenne to sleep*
Bloom: Rylee is finished with her bottle *pats Rylee's back*
Rylee: *burps and yawns*
Sky: ok Cheyenne is asleep *puts Cheyenne in her crib*
Bloom: *sits in the rocking chair and rocks Rylee to sleep* ok Rylee just feel asleep *put Rylee in her crib*
Sky: finally we can relax
*Bloom and Sky walk downstairs to the living room so they could watch TV*

Life with  3 year old Alis and the twins babiesWhere stories live. Discover now