Chapter One-Shot

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All characters are felicitate's, and I take no credit for them (Besides Alfonso).

-Dawn Marie

Rhea nervously wiped her hand on the side of her jeans, standing in front of the bathroom sink. She had to wait three more minutes before the little stick would confirm her suspicions. The time seemed to pass slowly,  and when it was finally up, she was suddenly scared to look.

A slow panic began to build in her, making her sick to her stomach. What would Caleb think? Would he be happy,  or disappointed? Would her parents be disappointed? And what about his mom? She always told them to be careful, as did her own parents. And Caleb had always said he wanted to wait until they were married.

Gathering up the courage she needed, Rhea picked up the stick, feeling happiness. She was pregnant. But her happiness was short lived, as all of her insecurities rushed back at her again. Not knowing what else to do, she called Willa.

"It's early. What do you want?" A grumpy voice answered.

"It's not early, it's one in the afternoon." Rhea replied, shocked that Willa was still asleep.

"Really? Holy crap. Wade really tired me out last night." She could practically hear the grin in Willa's voice.

"Gross. I don't need to hear about what you and Wade do. Besides, I called about more pressing matters." Rhea says, her voice becoming serious again.

"Alright, what's up?" Willa asks, sensing that her best friend wasn't in the mood.

Rhea looks around, though she knew Caleb was at the grocery store, before whispering into the phone.

"I'm pregnant."

At first, Willa says absolutely nothing. But then, she explodes.

"Oh my god! Oh my- are you serious? How di- nevermind, not even gonna ask. When did you find out? When are you due? Oh my god, does Caleb know?" Willa rushes to get everything out in one breath.

"I just found out, I have no idea, and no, Caleb doesn't know yet. I don't know how to tell him. What if he doesn't want a kid right now? What if he thinks we're rushing everything, and wants a break? Oh gosh, what if he never wants to see me again?" Rhea begins panicking, doubting everything all over again.

"Do you even hear yourself right now? Caleb loves you more than anything, that's not going to change when he finds out you're pregnant. He sure as hell isn't going to turn on you and your baby. So calm your ass down, and breath." Willa says sternly.

Though you wouldn't believe it, those words actually did help. At least some.

"How do I tell him? God, Willa, I'm so scared." Rhea whimpers quietly, tears brimming in her eyes.

"Oh honey, you will be just fine, he will still love you the same as he did before you got pregnant. As for how you tell him, I have no idea, I guess just wait until you feel the time is right. Okay?" She says.

"Okay." Rhea replies.

"I gotta go, but I'll talk to you later."

"Bye." Rhea says, before Willa hangs up.
Talking with Willa had calmed her down some, but not completely. She still had doubts, but she decided to occupy herself by cleaning.

Less than twenty minutes later, Rhea could hear the rattle of Caleb's keys, before he opened the door. He walked in with his arms full, and with a hello, continued towards the kitchen. She got up and followed, with the intent of helping him put them away.

"Don't even think about. We are going out tonight, so go get ready." He ordered her, practically shoving here out of the kitchen.

Confused, she walked to their bedroom, and chose an outfit. She settled on a royal blue dress, with a sweetheart neckline, and a pair of black, strapped heels. Grabbing underwear, she went to shower.

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