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Kirsten's Prov:
I woke up in a van. I looked around but didn't see anything, the windows had black bags on them. The van wasn't moving, I looked in the front but didn't see anyone. I heard male voices a but couldn't figure out who it was.

I untied my hands and then took the tape of my mouth I felt my phone in my front left pocket but then a thin smaller rectangular object in my back left pocket I pulled it out and saw it was my pocket knife. "At least I have something to protect myself with."
The door slide open and I saw two guys I attacked them and then kicked them so the would fall on the ground. I jumped out of the van I saw 2 other guys coming after me I ran as fast I could I soon found my self in front of a strip club "WHY THE FUCK DID I COME HERE?!?!" The door opens and I see Ashely. I mumble "you did this on purpose " I said while looking at the sky. "Kirsten why are you here. Come to give me a little treat " Ashely said then smirked.

"No maybe. I DON'T KNOW!?!?" I said . "I would of never thought you'd be a purdy girl." Ashely said "ash please I need your help I was just kidnapped and these two guys are chasing me and" my voice was silenced by a pair of lips. "There coming so just go along with this and they'll leave" Ashely said. He kissed me and something in me exploded i was soon running my hands up his chest feeling his toned chest. He smirked and pushed me against the brick wall of the club. I saw the guys look at Ashely and then run across the street. My body and my fucked up brain lost control and if ash hadn't stop me I might if given him a little treat like he said earlier. "Shit I'm so sorry Ashely you probably have a some slutty skank back at the bus." I said I looked down my chest started to hurt from what I had just said. YEA I KNOW ASHELY PURDY IS A MAN WHORE BUT IT HURT WHEN YOU SAY IT AND YOU HAVE FEELINGS FOR THE PERSON. "It's fine and no I don't have some skank waiting and I'm glad you came here. I'm glad your safe" Ashely said. He grab my hand and we walked back to the bus. I then was trying to figure out when the fuck I walked off the bus?!?! Like seriously ADD YOU HAVE TO MAKE ME FORGET and NOW!!
I'm so excited. I really hope you all like it and you can request things you'd like to see/read in the story. As always stay mewesome 😺

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