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Mady was still jumping up and down at the fact she met a famous band member when there was a knock at the door. Groaning she went to answer it, and had the worst surprise when she saw tall pink haired famous band member in a girls jacket aka Michael!

"Um... Hi" she says awkwardly

"I'm guessing you know who I am now?" He says

"Well... Yeah I know, I can't believe you actually told the truth, why weren't there any fans there trying to get photos and shit?" Mady asks really fast

"Well there weren't any of the other boys there" he looks down
"And not many of the fans like me, they like the others"

"But how they not like you, you've got bright pink hair, an awesome personality, you're funny and in my mind perfect" she states blushing

He smiles down at her
"Really you think that?" He says then blushes too

"If I didn't think so I wouldn't have said it, hang on a second how did you know where I live?" She says looking at him

"Well I'm staying just across the road from you, so I saw you and your friend walk in here, and then I heard screaming so I assumed you worked out who I am" he says then looks down when he realises how creepy that sounded

"It's not creepy at all that you watched me walk into my house and then waited to till you heard screaming, then decided to come over" she says sarcastically

"Well... Ok fine I'm a creep, happy?" He says grinning at her

"Very" she smiles back

"Is the pizza here yet?" Ariella calls out to Mady

"Um no not yet" Mady calls back

"Then who've you been talking to for the last ten minutes? I always knew you had a thing for Pizza Guy!" She tells Mady, walking to the door

"Oh not Pizza Guy, it's Pink Haired Hot Dude, Mady's words not mine, hang on a second you're from that band, that Mady insisted we look you up!" She tells Michael, smirking at Mady

"Shut up! I didn't call him those things and you were the one that insisted we look him up" Mady says indignant

"I'm pretty sure you did, is the rest of your band in town? Or did you just come on your own" she looks at Michael

"Well the others are going to get here in a week or so, but for now I'm just here on my own" he looks down

"Maybe we could hang out sometime? I mean only if you want to?" He says blushing

"That would be great" Ariella answers for Mady

MikeyssonTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon