Catching me

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"Wow, look at the beach! Isn't it beautiful?!" My dad went out on the balcony.

We moved to a beach house, apparently my father had bought the house a little bit ago. We sold our other house with the furniture and everything. The only thing we took with us was personal belongings and clothes. My heart was numb and nothing felt right. I couldn't even smile just a bit. I almost killed him...I almost killed him..

"Come out here Saphira! It's so refreshing!" My father waltzed inside trying to drag me out.

"Sorry dad, I just don't feel like myself..." I slipped from his grasp and went to my room.

A sea green filled the walls and beautiful fake red roses lined one of them, creating an illusion of a mini garden. My room over all was very chic, I liked it very much. But the hole in my heart was only feeling bigger.

A month passed by with the whim on my thoughts. I could barley eat, sleep, or smile. Each night I had a nightmare. I woke up screaming and crying. I missed him so much, my heart felt like it was tearing each day. My father smiled at me, I could only stare. I didn't "eat." Which, in my case was a very stupid thing to do. As much as I hate it, what happened that night would remind me to "eat." That happened because I forgot what I was.

I sat on my yellow sheeted bed and stared out my balcony, just a few feet away from me. I felt my nose sting and eyes water. My heart throbbed a million beats a second and my throat clenched up. I buried my head in my arms and weep.

"Saphira...psss Saphira?!"

My head lifted quickly up, it was Lucifer's voice. I thought I had finally gone crazy, there was no way he could have found me.

"Saphira?!" It was a harsh whisper.

It was Lucifer!! I dashed to my balcony, nearly falling over the railing to see if he was there. And there it was, a miracle standing in my backyard, staring at me. Jet black hair still fluffy and bouncing. His beautiful green eyes, watery with tears.

"Lucifer..." I whispered, not believing what was happening.

"Lucifer." My father opened the double doors downstairs. His voice dry and flat. I saw Lucifer flinch.

"Sir...thank you for letting me remember, and I know you told me not to come-"

"I suggest you leave as soon as you can. I don't want my daughter to feel anymore pain." My dad came out and looked up at me.

"Dad!! Don't please!" I was about to jump down but my father casted a spell on me that froze my body in its current position.

He looked at me, eyes full of fear and sadness.

"Are you sure?" He kept his gaze.

At the time I felt like my dad was stupid. Didn't he see my pain? Of course I was sure that I wanted to see Lucifer! But I would soon find out what he meant by that question.

"Yes! I am!" I yelled down.

He stared at Lucifer and asked him the same thing.

"Lucifer, are you sure?" He stared at my dad and for a moment it was so silent I heard the whispering of the wind.

Lucifer turned at me, a tear dropped from his eyes.

"I'm sure." He said his voice a bit shaky.

"It was nice knowing you..." I caught a bit of something barley audible and questioned it but didn't think twice about, when I saw him dash in the house.

I ran in just as he opened my door. We stood for a second staring at each other. He came in and shut the door, and hastily walked to me. His arms that held me were tight and secure.

"I have missed so much, Saphira. I tried going to your house, but some new family was already living there...I'm sorry it took me so long to find you." His voice was so soothing to my heart.

"I missed you so much too...So much Lucifer!" I held him just as tight and felt a strange urge wash over me.

My mouth started watering and I felt a strong hunger. I fell to my knees too weak to stand.

"Saphira..." There was a slight fear in his voice as he kneeled with me.

I looked at him and started panting and gasping for air. I felt a temptation to "eat" , like that feeling when freshly baked chocolate cookies just came out the oven and you really just want to sink you teeth into the warm goodness.

"I heard from your dad... that you haven't been eating ...." Lucifer looked at me his eyes so sad.

"No..." I said weakly pushing him away and stared at the light hardwood that covered my floor.

That's what they were doing, dad was talking to him. When he had asked me if I was sure, he was asking if I would be ok hurting someone I loved. Possibly killing him. Was I sure I could deal with that. Could I control myself. "Are you sure?"

"Saphira, come here." He stretched his arms out to me but I pushed him away.

" Don't do this to me." I tried getting up but I just couldn't, I had no energy to.

Everything was becoming dizzy.

"Saphira...You have too. I don't want you to die..." He cupped my face with his big hands.

"But I don't want to kill you." I stared at his eyes, so full of love for me. Everything seemed focused.

"I'm not your soulmate, but you are my soulmate. If I let you die, my life would never be the same ever again. No one will miss me... so its ok." He said with tears cumulating in his eyes.

"I hate you...I WOULD MISS YOU.. so much..." I pulled away from him.

"Saphira..." he grabbed me and pulled me close to him and his familiar lips pressed against mine.

At first, it was just a kiss but then I felt a sweet sweet energy enter me. I wanted so much more. I panicked and pushed him away shaking my head.

"!" I said trying so desperately to control the urge.

At that very moment my vision became red. My heart felt troubled and my head was telling me to..go.

"Your eyes!" Lucifer said shocked pulling me close to him.

He pressed his lips against mine again and this time I let myself go. I just couldn't take it. I held his face feeling a great amount of that sweetness stream into my body. I pulled away to see his face paler than the mysterious moonlight on a spooky night.

"I love you so much..." He whispered and continue to offer me his life as I cried. 

When I felt better and stronger I opened my eyes seeing beautiful flowers form from his body. They continue to create themselves until he was no more. I followed them as they flew out from my balcony. My tears stopped and my heart grew numb. The setting sun was darker than it use to be. My father looked up at me shocked with the most lifeless expression I've ever seen on his face.

Catching me when i fell, was none other than death. Cursing me to see death, because of my wrong. Thus, this became the day I had to live with dead eyes. How cruel death was to me. Why couldn't I die in his place?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2014 ⏰

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