-29- Zitate von Queen Mary Stuart (Reign)

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Ich habe in diesem Kapitel nur englische Zitate von Mary benutzt, weil ich die deutschen lange nicht so gut und ausdrucksstark finde wie die englischen :)

"You are not the only one with a country to think of!"

"I had their word that we would be married. I'm not sure words mean anything here."

"My mother will understand. I can't bring home any armies and I can't wed any kings if I'm dead."

"It's terrible. Especially if we think we can save each other. We can't. We can only love each other."

"I am the Queen of France. And you are my Subject!"

"Out of all the people you could have slept with, did it have to be one of my ladies? One of my closest friends?!"

"Unfortunate my husband isn't giving me what I want. So I've come to ask you instead."

"You did this to us. To France. For all that you claim you are trying to protect us, I have lost all faith in you. And the man I thought you were."

"You will be hang for what you did to me. You will suffer and die and I will live. In a hundred years, as queen, I will be remembered, and your name will be forgotten. You'll see you are erased from history. And God have mercy on your Soul."

"None of us are responsible for our hearts, only our Actions."

"You seem me as a weapon!"

"Since I was a babe I have been a Queen. Since I was a child I have been alone, on foreign soil. I know how to keep my life, and my crown. And I will."

"England doesn't want peace, they wants Scottish blood, and my crown!"

"My rank is poison!"

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