Run-ins part 1.

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Dezire p.o.v

I had landed in Cleveland. I went to retrieve my bags and then called a cab. Beyonce was kind enough to book my reservation at the hotel I would be staying in. I called a cab and gave the driver the address. When we made it there he helped me get my luggage. I paid him and gave a little tip and went in.

I walked up the front desk. "Yes ma'am how may I help you?" Asked the nice woman.

"Um I have a reservation."

"Name please." She lady asked looking at her computer.

"Dezire Perkins."

"Ok here's your room key Mrs.Perkins." she said and handed me the golden card with room number 116 4th floor on it.

"Thank you. I said and walked away.

I went to the elevator just as someone had stepped off I walked on as so did two others. They were and elderly couple.

I punched in my floor number after they did theirs. My floor came up before theirs and I grabbed my bags and walked down the long hall.

I found my room slid the card in the door and it opened. I sat my suitcase next to the door and put my makeup bag in the bathroom. I took my duffel bag to the bed and grabbed a T-shirt and got undressed replacing my clothes with that. I later down and drifted off to sleep.

Stephen's p.o.v

I woke up early this morning got up put on a golden warrior T-shirt and decided to go on a run maybe I'll go to see Dez and Riley. Yup that's where I'll go. I started my run pacing myself.

I made it to her house in about 20 minutes and wiped the dripping sweat of my forehead. I walked up her drive way and knocked on the door.

I had voices and little footsteps running up to the door. Jazmina opened the door with Riley next to her. I saw Jazen sitting on the couch looking at me.

"Dada dada!!!" Riley yelled and jumped onto me.

"Hey baby girl." I said picking her up.

"May I come I'm?" I asked looking at Jazmina.

"Yea." She said opening the door more. I walker in with Riley still on my hip. Jazen looked at me and rolled her eyes at me.

"Hey girls why don't talk go play while me and steph talk really quick." She said turning the television off as the girls ran away to play.

"Wassup Stephen?" She asked sighing and turning toward me.

"Nothing I came to see Riley and Dez. Where is she?" I asked looking around.

"Ohh she told me she told you but she went to Cleveland to work with Beyoncé." Now that she brought that up I do remember her saying she was going but I still don't remember her telling me when.

"Ohhh, Yea I remember but when is she coming back?" I asked checking the time on my phone.

"Umm she said in a month but me and the girls are going to see her in two weeks if you wanna go then you can." I looked at her trying to see why she was being so nice.

"Umm Yea I might take you up on that offer but I have to get going tell Riley I'll be back to pick her up later." After that's I walked out and began my run back to my house to get my practice bag.

Dezirr p.o.v

I had just woke up and it was 9:14. I was suppose to be at the studio by 10:00 to work with Bey so I had a good amount of time. I got up showered and brushed my teeth.

I didn't really know anywhere to find a meal so I decide to ask Google. I found a café not to far from the hotel so I grabbed my black and pink roshé runs and left out the house with my pink sports bra and black and pink tight with a black jacket around my waist.

I began my run listening to music. I made it to the café and stood in the line looking at the menu. I waited my turn and then ordered a vanilla latte with whip cream and a egg biscuit.

I got the food and found a booth in the back. I was on my phone sipping my latte.

"Excuse me beautiful I was wondering if this seat was taken." I looked up to a smiling kyrie.

"Hey Ky." I said standing up smiling and giving him a hug. It has been so long since I've seen kyrie I honestly can say I really missed him being around.

He sat down. "Wassup dez why you in Cleveland?" He asked stirring his tea.

"Um I'm a cherographer now and I'm actually here to work with Beyonce." I said smiling to meslf.

"Wow." He said leaning back. "You doing it like that now shawty?"

"I guess." I said giggling. "But wassup with you star." I said sitting back as he was.

"Well I'm just grinding and remembering that my mom is looking down on me."

"Oh I'm so sorry about your mom. I looked at the time look I have to go but here's my number call me around nine maybe we can go out and you can show me around."

"Sure." He stood up and gave me a nice hug then i made my way to the studio I was scheduled to meet Beyonce at.

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