I Give Back What You Gave To Me

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Bad End 1

Mary's Pov
"Are you really going to defy me Mary? Last time you did it didn't work. You even killed him and it didn't work." My eyes widened. He's right... I tried everything to escape. I killed Garry! But here I am face to face with him again. Nothing changed. I always felt bad about killing him. It was my only option at the time. But now... I have a chance to put things back. Back to how they're supposed to be, how it was always supposed to be. I'm not supposed to be there, but they are.

"Thinking quite hard aren't you dear? Well no matter even if you think of something it won't work." I restrained myself from yelling at him. I need to stay calm and get this to work.

"You're right. I can't do anything for us all to get out of here. But can I get them out of here?"

"What?" He took a moment to process my words then smirked at me. "I see. Are you sure about that? I would take Garry again. Then Ib and you are free, just like you have been." I grimaced but knew what I had to do.

"Yes, I'm sure. I was never really alive in the first place. I took a life that wasn't supposed to be mine and now I intend to give that back."

"Mary, sweetheart, are you going to do what I think? This is an unexpected turn."

"But I am. So please dad let them go. I'll stay here and we'll be happy together I promise."

"Nobody changes this fast my dear. But if you believe so strongly in this I can't say no. After all I want precious daughter to be happy."

"I'd be happy if I could go with Ib and Garry." I mumbled.

"I meant happy with me not them."

"Of course you did."

"Mary are you absolutely positive about this? You don't want to be with Ib. You want her and Garry to be together? What happened to your childhood promised of together forever? My sweet daughter I want to make sure you're not making mistake so are you absolutely sure you want them to be together instead of you and Ib." He grinned. "Once you make this choice it won't change. Additionally, you will never escape from here again." I glared at him.

"I'm sure. After all Garry's the one that gave me life in the first place but even then I was still a puppet. I took away his life with no real reasoning."

"My my, what have these nine years away done to you? What happened to the feisty Mary that hated me and wanted to do nothing more than get out of here?"

"She's there but wants to save her friends more."

"Oh? What a compassionate girl you've become!" He paused his seemingly everlasting smile sunk to a frown, "Yes a compassionate girl I have," he stepped towards me and grabbed my arm. "Compassion was not something you should have. All emotions that I allowed you to have were saddness and rage woth minimal happiness as well. Those made it easy to get you to do what I want," his grip on my arm tightened to the point that it felt like he was trying to break my arm. Why does it even matter that I developed emotion. I'm still completly under his control, right? "Now Mary dear it's not nice to zone out when someone is talking to you!" He threw me to the ground. That hurt. I don't remember him being this violent.

"To answer your question Mary, the big deal about you developing emotions I did not allow you to have is that you have some power over me now. You can control some things like you used to with your dolls, but to a larger extent. Of course not enough to get all of you out of here. Alive that is." So that's what his deal was. Well if I have some power I can block him from my thoughts... Maybe I can create an exit distract him with the paintings or something long enough to get Ib and Garry to safety! Well here goes nothing!

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