Water Princess- Kasumi's Background Info.

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Kasumi Tomogatchi

Age: 15

Birthday: December 30, 1996

Gender: Female

Height: 5'5"

Hair Color: Black at top and slowly turns to light blue at tips

Eye Color: Bright Blue

Race: Demon Princess


-Father: Unknown

-Mother: Unknown

- Orphanage: The Barbarian Dropoff

- Guardian: Mephisto Pheles

Familiar: Hoshi, an arctic hellhound who is loyal and can do many things.

Personality: Smart, Funny, Sweet, Teases, Flirty, Optimistic, Charming, Trustworthy, Clever, Sarcastic, and Patient

Extra info: Has always been alone because she is a demon.

*NOTE: I do not own Blue Exorcist, just Kasumi Tomogatchi.

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