Chapter 6

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Tyler broke down crying again, sitting in the chair and covering his face. My eyes started to tear up. I knew what that meant. The child must not have made it. It was so tiny and fragile, probably dying on impact due to the force of the airbag. I covered my face with my hands, crying.

"I-I tried," Tyler managed to say, tears running down his cheeks.

"I'm sorry," The doctor said, "You can leave tonight after we run a few more tests."

"Tyler," I said, looking up.

He looked up, his eyes still red and puffy. He looked so sad, so worried. I wanted to get up and hug him tight, never letting go.

"What state are we in?" I asked him.

"Southern Jersey. Don't worry babe, we'll go to your mom's house tonight."

"What day is it?"

"December 27th. You weren't out for that long. Your mom was going to come up but I told her to stay down there unless things turned or you didn't wake up by today. I didn't want her to have to drop everything. I'm sorry babe."

"It's okay, she's probably with family. I just want to change and leave," I told him, leaning back.

A nurse walked in and started setting up to move my bed out and to a testing room. I didn't say anything, just staring at Tyler. He sipped on a coffee, probably his 10th one. When they were done, I looked straight ahead and they wheeled me out to get a CAT scan. After that was done and it was announced that I have a mild concussion, Tyler signed me out and we got back on the road in a rental car. On the road I called my mom, letting her know we were on our way. I also stayed awake and called Tyler's mom, Patty.

"Hey Patty," I said over the car speaker phone.

"Kay! Are you alright?" She asked, worried.

"Just a mild concussion. We're on the road again. I'm so sorry about the new car." I told her.

"It's alright, as long as you're okay. Is the baby okay?" She asked.

"No... that's what I wanted to tell you. Can you please make sure no one tells my mom? I want to tell her but I don't want anyone to before I do. I don't want to make her upset or sad for telling everyone before her."
"I'll keep my mouth shut. Please stay safe, okay?"

"Okay. We'll also make sure to use protection until after Warped Tour," I joked.

She let out a little laugh, "Alright sweetie. I have to go make sure Parker isn't killing Carter. Be safe."

I hung up and turned to Tyler, looking at his face and how he was concentrating on the road ahead of us. We were in Maryland, pulling into my neighborhood.

"I love you," I told him.

"I love you too baby," He replied, parking the car.

We got out of the car and he grabbed both of the suitcases, pulling them into the house. I walked in after, running to my mom as soon as she was in view. I gave her a giant hug, telling her how much I love and missed her. She did the same then hugged Tyler tightly.

"I'm so glad you're okay!" She told us, walking into the kitchen. Tyler left the stuff in the dining room and followed, sitting at the table.

"I made cookies and a Christmas dinner and some other treats!" She told us, putting down a plate of cookies and some milk for us.

"Ma, sit down," I told her.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"I was going to tell you I was pregnant when we got here but I'm not anymore." I told her.

She had a look on her face, confused at first but then sad, "I'm so sorry sweetie," She told me, getting up and hugging me.

I hugged her back, letting go and then taking a cookie. Tyler took it from me, stuffing it in his giant mouth and smiling.

"That was mine you fool!" I told him, smacking him lightly.

He just smiled his cheeky smile and swallowed it. The door opened and slammed shut. There was only one person I knew that walked into our house like that.

Forever and AlwaysOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora