Chapter 7- its gonna be a long few days..

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Hey guys! I'm so sorry I haven't updated in soooo long. A lot has happened. And I am making my first dedication tonight to Ayushi26xx  who is the reason for this update.

(No particular POV)

The girls cautiously got in their cars, Holbrook and Hanna right behind them. They were all freaked out by the text and wondering who was going to be targeted next. Would they go after Aria? Spencer? Emily? Holbrook? Or would they come back to finish the job with Hanna? That's the question running on a loop through all of their minds.

With everyone on edge, they drove to Hanna's one following behind the other closely behind. When they arrived, they got out and went inside, finding the house empty. Hanna called for her mother and relieved no reply, and her mothers car was not parked out front. Looks like they have the place to themselves.

They went to the kitchen island and sat around it. No one spoke, no one dared to. Finally, after what seemed like forever, spencer broke the silence. "What are we going to do?" When no one responded, Emily did."We can't just sit around like ducks and wait for A to make its move."

"Yeah but we can't exactly live our normal day lives either, someone has a target on their back and we don't even know who," Aria said, looking at the rest of the group.

"I could assign an officer to each of you girls to keep an eye out and protect you," Holbrook suggested.

"No, that would just draw more attention," Hanna said ,"Besides, how would you get a protection order without explaining to tanner what's going on?  We can't risk anymore lives by telling them about A."

"Hanna's right. A would just punish us even more and go after more people we care about," Emily sighed. "We're all just sitting ducks until A makes a move. Whether we like it or not."  A moment of silence filled the kitchen as the girls let that sink in, they knew it was true but hearing it out loud made it set in stone.

"I'm still going to do what I can to protect you girls. I'll be your cop on the inside. I can stay here with Hanna to make sure A doesn't try to come finish the job," Holbrook said, breaking the ring of silence.

"You really don't have to do that," Hanna said, looking up to the eyes now pointed at her, " I will be fine by myself, I don't need a bodyguard."

"Hanna, I think that may be the best idea right now. A already struck at you once, it may come after you again," Spencer argued.

"A could come after any one of us, it's not fair that I have a bodyguard if you guys don't."

"I can alternate outside each of your houses, that way you all are being protected. I can switch every hour or so," Holbrook reasoned.

"I guess that might work, just stay a safe distance away or in an unmarked car. I don't want my parents to get suspicious," Aria spoke.

"Yeah, same here. I'm already on isolation from the whole wren thing...," Spencer let her sentence hang in the air, it didn't need to be finished.

"Alright, so it's settled. All of you girls get some rest, it's been a long couple of days," Holbrook said, walking to Hanna and kissing her forehead before muttering a goodbye and exiting.

It's gonna be a long few days.....

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