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Sehun and Jongin have been attached at the hip since birth. Their parents had been very close friends and business partners before the two were even born. It was no shock that Sehun and Jongin turned out to be best friends. They were also neighbors so it made seeing each other nearly everyday a lot easier.

Their parents signed them both up at the same kindergarten. At the age of five, Sehun was much smaller than Jongin and quite terrified to go to school, but his best friend promised that he would protect him. Unfortunately, for the two best friends, they were put in separate classrooms.
Their parents complained to the school, but there was nothing that they could do.

One day little Sehun asked to play in the sandbox, but the other little boys said that only big boys can play in the sandbox.

"But I am a big boy!" cried little Sehun, almost on the verge of tears.

"Don't cry, you big baby!" one of the bigger boys yelled and threw a metal car at Sehun's leg and made it bleed.

Meanwhile, little Jongin was sitting in a little desk learning the alphabet song. He was paying close attention, but was easily distracted when he turned his head to look outside. When he squinted at the playground he saw a boy throw something at Sehun. No one was supposed to hurt Sehun. He knew at that moment that he had to help his best friend because he promised that he would protect him. He looked at the teacher, who had her back to the children, and decided it was now or never. He got up abruptly and ran out the door with the teacher screaming at him to comeback as he ran on his little legs down the hallway.

When he reached the sandbox, breathing hard, he saw the boy who hurt Sehun and yelled at him, "YOU SAY SORRY!"

The boy in the sandbox stood up and hit Jongin in the head. Jongin kicked him in the shin. By the time the little brawl was broken up by a teacher, the bully boy had a bloody lip and Jongin had a black eye.
When Jongin saw Sehun he smiled and gave the younger boy a 'two thumbs up'. That was the day that Sehun fell in love with Jongin


Sehun had been hiding his love for Jongin for nine years now. He could never confess to Jongin because Jongin liked girls, not boys. The day the Jongin got his first girlfriend, Sehun went home and cried himself to sleep. Sehun couldn't even handle being around Jongin anymore because he felt so much pain. It nearly killed him to see the other two together. Before they knew it, the two friends were growing more and more distant.

Jongin started to notice the silence between the two and he was very upset. It physically and mentally hurt not to have Sehun by his side. Not just because they were best friends, but because he loved Sehun. He has loved his best friend for a long time now. The only reason why he got a girlfriend was to distract himself from Sehun. He had to settle for a replacement because he could never tell Sehun how he felt because Sehun was straight.
Or at least that's what he thought.

Jongin broke up with his girlfriend a month later and Sehun opened up to Jongin again. Jongin could smile again and Sehun could sleep without crying. They even met up after school at Sehun's place to watch cute puppy videos. Sehun knew that puppies were Jongin's weakness.

While Sehun was in the bathroom, something under Sehun's pillow caught The older boys attention. It was a worn, leather journal, purposely hidden. Jongin looked to make sure Sehun wasn't coming back yet. He had a feeling that Sehun didn't want anyone to see, but Jongin couldn't help his curiosity. He cautiously opened the journal to the first page and instantly recognized the younger boy's handwriting.

Dear Diary.
I decided to start writing so I could let my feelings out.
I have been in love with my best friend for nine years;
since the time he stood up for me in kindergarten.
His name is Kim Jongin and he is the love of my life.
One time........

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