Chapter 39

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I isolated myself from people a lot after the incident. I spent the summer in my apartment, eating chips and watching Netflix like the absolute loser I was. But my isolation ended when Levi Gibbs knocked on my door.

"Hey, I just moved in next door and I just thought I'd pop by and say hi." He beamed. "I'm Levi, Levi Gibbs."

He was about an inch shorter than me with jet black hair and sparkling eyes. Pretty muscular too. But there was just something off putting about him and I couldn't point it out.

"Max Evens. Nice to meet you." I smiled.  "Come on in."

Levi stepped into my apartment and looked around my place. No, my apartment didn't pop as 'gay' but it was neat and I liked it that way.

"So you go to Harvard?" I asked when seeing his shirt.

"Oh, no, I'm not that smart. My sister does though. Do you?"


"Cool, what's your major?"

"Literature. Little did I know it would be the most boring ass thing ever." I sighed.

"Really? My sister majors in Lit too. Her name is Lia, maybe you know her."

Flashes of the party at the beginning of the summer invaded my mind and all I could see was Lia making out and having sex with that girl.

"No, don't know her. But I'll keep an eye out." I lied.

"Cool." He sighed. "Well, I better get going, I still have a million boxes to unpack. It was nice to meet you, Max."

"You too, Levi."

"You should stop by sometime. Number 306." He smirked.

"I will."

We said our goodbyes and I closed the door. Something just wasn't right about that guy.

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