Chapter One

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Chapter One.


When I ... killed myself, I was supposed to die!

I wanted to die! I had to die.

However someone felt otherwise, and because of them I was in a fix.

And it was only just beginning.


There was a pounding in my head and a bitter taste on my parched tongue. My muscles were screaming for rest, and my eyes were strongly agreeing with them.

I didn't feel dead.

But I was. I had to be, the knife went straight through my heart. The skin on the back of my neck began to itch, and it was only them I realized I was sweating profusely. Am I in Hell? Is that why it was so hot? A wave of helplessness washed over me, but I rebounded. This is what I wanted. I deserved to burn here, after all I was just as bad as the rest of them. The criminals. Slowly, one by one, my senses came back to me. Starting with sound.

There were footsteps. Pacing back and forth on hard flooring. The faint hum of voices was slowly getting louder. That’s when I realized there was more than one person in this room with me. A tingling feeling ripped up my arm, like pins and needles, only worse. I resisted the urge to laugh, or scream. When the feeling finally came back to my hand, I felt the rough, splintered wooden floor I was lying on. The more alert I was becoming, the harder the pounding in my head became. So this is what a hangover must feel like...

The voices were clearer now, and I was more than anxious to find out what was going on.

"....There she was, dead, lifeless, just like she wanted. But then you had to be the superhero again! I swear, one of these days you are going to get me killed. Again." The voice was husky, sarcastic and masculine. So I was saved? By a stranger?

I felt extremely grateful but at the same time aggravated. I should have died! I should have, but I didn't want to. I wanted to live. I wanted to finish watching the Scrubs box set. I wanted to try the new Frappuccino in a bottle and even see the last Twilight film.

"Do you honestly think you're going to get away with this?" The voice asked again.

"No!" The new voice added. It worried me that both voices were men. But in my position, I was all worried out. "We just have to find a way to get her into the Manor, and then Ali can help us from there." There was a tinge of panic in the second man's voice.

I had to wake up now. I have a distinct feeling that I don't want to be near this Manor, or the people planning on taking me there.

My breathing changed from longs steady breaths, to short ragged ones. My fingers began to twitch, and I prayed that neither men noticed. My muscles were starting to wake up and a sharp pain shot up my spine.

"Oh, Alliah is going to flip! I can't even imagine the things she will-" The first man was cut off by the second.

"Ssshh!" He hissed, silencing his friend. His footsteps got louder as he approached me. His body causing a shadow over mine.

"I know you're awake." He said. He didn't sound angry, but not happy either. Slowly and carefully , my eyes fluttered open. The man was tall, and very well built. His hair looked jet black in this light, but his eyes amazed me the most. They were silver. Like sparkling silver. I stared at him, not knowing what to say.

The man moved to the side, letting me see the third person in the room.

Again I was drawn in by the silvery eyes. Which happened to be one of the only similarities between the two. This man had golden blonde hair, sticking up in all directions and he was pale, while the other was tan.  He was sitting backwards on a rickety wooden chair. That's when I realized we were in a shack of some sort. Everything was wooden and worn out.

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