Chapter 9 : The Getaway

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After Chris left I grabbed my phone and called Marcus. He didn't answer so I left him a voicemail, sharing with him everything that happened.
I got dressed and laid in my bed. Christopher should have been here by now. He said it would take a while, but I didn't think it would take this long. I turned all the lights out in the house, so no one would think that I was home. The only light that illuminated my room was the one from my phone.
I sent Chris a text message just to check in and let him know i was still okay.. This feeling of worry and swept over me like a blanket. Was he okay, did Julius try to kill him? The time went by so slowly, I just hoped that Chris would be returning home to me soon. I laid down trying to get my thoughts in order, but eventually cried myself to sleep. I felt so dirty after what Julius had done to me. I wanted to scrub away the filth that I felt. I just wanted this day to be nothing more than a bad dream. Nothing more than a figment of my imagination but it wasn't.
I was suddenly awakened by the sound of quick movements and the smell of his Cologne evading my nostrils. When I opened my eyes Christopher was standing over me with this glazed look in his eye. Blood spatter was on his shirt and I heard the sirens in the distance. He had a thrown my duffle bag at me and said "pack".. I scattered out of bed. Still half asleep I began to look as frantic as he did. I threw a few items in my bag and we hurried to the garage.

"Babe you drive" he said passing me the keys. I can't focus right now. I hit the garage opener and the door ahead of us couldn't open any slower. All of a sudden i heard screeching tires. Someone in an all black car blocked our path. Christopher opened the passenger door to the back seat grabbed a greyish blue duffle back wrapped it around his shoulder and put a brand new clip in is MG42.
"Babe" he said in a whisper. "Where's your car?" He asked.
"Parked out front" I said eyes glued to the car in front of us.
"On the count of 3 run through that side door, and get in your car I'm right behind you okay.
I took off running. My feet didn't seem to get me to the front of the house fast enough. I clicked the alarm on my car unlocking the doors. I looked behind me but Christopher was no where to be found. I heard gunshots in the distance. My heart sank into my chest
"Christopher!!" I called out but he didnt answer me. I wantednto turn back around but i did as i was told. He eventually emerged from the side of the house and got in the seat next to me.
"We gotta Go babe"
"Where we going I asked, putting my car in drive. And pulling off into the darkness that was that was that night.
"I dont know, but anywhere but here."
"Marcus, could probably help us." I said I regret saying it but he agreed.
"If you think he can help us let's see what this nigga talking about."
I was surprised that he was so ready to go see Marcus. He really wasn't thinking straight. I handed him my cellphone out my duffle bag.
"Make the call" i said handing him the phone.
"Before we do this kenya I need you to know I'm sorry, I never meant for any of this shit to happen to you. I need you to hear me when I say that. " he said to me.

"I know Chris, I kinda feel this was my fault." I said sadly keeping my eyes on the road ahead of me.
"Dont blame yourself for y bullshit I brought that clown ass motherfucka in our house and allowed him to change me and come in between us, shit been fucked up for a while Kenya and I'm sorry about that"

"We go be alright baby, I promise. I just gotta handle some shit first.and I can't have you with me when I do it. " he said seriously while placing his hand on mine.

"What do you mean? Where are you going?" I asked almost in tears.

"How well do you know this nigga Marcus?"
"I mean he knows more about me than i do about him but I trust him, I don't believe he's on no faulty shit why?
"Stay with him for a few days"
"What" I ask
"I can't have you with me baby, things are going to go left I killed Julius, he already had them Niggas at the house. I can't put you in that crossfire again.

" baby we can go somewhere else, I don't want you to leave me. " I couldn't wrap my mind around what I was hearing. He was basically pushing me off on Marcus, I know he wanted me to be safe or whatever,but nowhere could be safer than with him.
"Babe, just make the call okay, I'm gonna come back" he said to me.

I didn't say anything I just drove aimlessly towards San Pedro. It was around 4am. I had grown tired but my body was pumping so much adrenaline that I couldn't fall asleep if I wanted to.

"Babe, just stay with me tonight okay, we can figure everything out in the morning okay, just don't leave me." I said looking deeply into his eyes.

"Alright, wait how long has that car been behind us?"
I looked in the rearview mirror at an all black Toyota. I couldn't remember when this car got behind us or if it was following us at all.

"I don't know baby" I said fear in my voice.

"Don't panic, pull off slow and make a right." I did what he said, and sure nuff the car did the same as we did. Christopher rolled down his window and began shooting at the car behind us. Shortly after they returned fire.
They shot out one of my back tires causing me to lose control. I hit my head hard on the steering wheel. My face planted against the horn is was brought Me back to.
"Christopher, are you alright"
"Yeah" he replied grabbing his gun off the floor.
I released myself from my seatbelt and opened my by door falling to the ground whimpering in pain. Christopher came to my side, pulling me up, and seating me up against the side of the car.
"Where's the car" he asked. Looking around in the empty streets. There was no one insight. As of now we were just sitting ducks. I got to my feet and limped to the curb.
Shortly after the Car that was behind is pulled in front of us. Two Mexican guys got out and approached Christopher
"The boss wants to see you" they said.
"You and your lady friend" he continued.
"Who the fuck are you clowns." He responded.
"Get the fuck up cabron, the boss wants to see you"

"If you're talking about Julius that nigga is dead." He said with such conviction.

"No, no not Julius, he was never in charge .. He works for someone to. Or worked for someone.

"And who might that be?" Christopher asked confused.

Mr. Marcus Burton, I'm sure you heard of him they laughed.
"The fucking therapist, you have got to be fucking kidding me" Christopher yelled.
Christopher looked over at me and I looked at him with the same look of surprise. None of this was making sense to me. I didn't understand. Marcus was somehow involved in all this? But how.

"You knew? Christopher asked me.
"Of course not!" I exclaimed.
"Y'all can argue later, but the boss needs to see you." The guy said to us.
The two men grabbed Christopher and I and put us in the back seat of the car. I cried softly to myself. I didn't want any of this to happen.
"Christopher" I said .
"Not now Kenya." He replied coldly.

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