Chapter 1

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Catch it.

You can do it.

She felt the energy just at the very tips of her fingers. It was so pulsatile, the fluctuations going through her—she could feel it, though she couldn't quite catch it the usual way—not if she wanted this to work.

It's right there.

But like a deer that suddenly sensed the wolf, it drew away from her grasp, bolting so fast she didn't even realize that it was gone until the cool absence told her.

She huffed, opening her eyes, defeated. "I just can't do it."

Domino pursed her lips, tucking a stray strand of her blond hair back into the bun atop her head. "Yes, you can. Just concentrate."

"I can't! I really can't, Dom, it's too fluid, I can't grasp it." She shook head vigorously, feeling the sweat trickle down her back.

Dom always tried to push her—but this time, this time it just wasn't going to work. Either she wasn't strong enough, or it just couldn't be done. And she was guessing it was both.

"Come on, we need to finish this," Vis urged from beside her. The face that was exactly like hers pleaded to her, looking worried as well. "Before Father arrives."

"We are done," she snapped at her twin. She felt her throat tightening.


The sound of her name on Domino's lips made her clench her jaw—Domino was close to using her Compulsion on her.

"What? We are done, Dom," Lux said, calmer. "What we're doing can't be done!"

Lux broke away from the circle they had made with their bodies, with the Helxicon in the middle.

She sighed, looking at the floor. "I'm sorry, okay?"

Arms came around her as, one after the other, her sisters came to her. First Vis, then Domino.

"It's alright, Lux," Vis whispered.

"We'll just have to find another way," Domino said, determined. "We'll keep looking. There has to be something else we can do."

Lux sighed, though she still felt, deep inside, that she had let her sisters down. "I'm very sorry, Vis, Domino. I just..." She felt tears prickle her eyes.

Domino understood—she always did. "We've tried this... experiment," she motioned to the Helxicon in the middle, "for the past couple of months."

"We'll find another way," Vis said.

Vis was always the more determined one. She had such drive that Lux envied.

From beside her, Lux almost missed it—others would definitely have. Vis' hands were shaking.

Lux frowned as she grabbed her twin sister's hand, closing her eyes as she drew the energy from deep within the other.

The familiar warmth came through their hands, from one who had more to the other, who had less. The warmth seeped into her skin, starting as pin pricks, sharp and tingly, then slowly because more string-like, traveling to every corner, every pore, every cell of her body—she felt intoxicated, and she needed every ounce of self-control to pry her hands away from Vis.

Domino caught her as she stumbled backwards, and Lux immediately placed her hand on top of the older girl.

"Give it to me, Lux."

Without having to say another word, Lux transferred the energy, her body reluctant, but her mind adamant. She couldn't keep it.

The jolt of energy was enough for Domino to look revitalized—her skin looked less pale, and over all refreshed. Domino closed her eyes, trying to order the burst of energy within her, and when she opened her eyes, her grey eyes were bright. "Thanks."

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