Impossible Souffle - A tribute to Clara Oswald

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A thousands screams do choke me,
My heart is rent in two,
My tears threaten to drown me,
As she does what she must do.

A mistake one step too far,
A sacrifice nobly given,
Our dearest Clara Oswald,
Steps forth to face the raven.

Run Doctor, and remember,
Those were her famous words.
The Souffle Girl eternal,
His blessing and his curse.

From Gallifrey to Trenzalore,
She was his greatest gift.
The Woman Twice Dead,
And yet on she lived.

She knew his every face,
She knew his very name.
She knew the TARDIS inside out,
From whence into it she came.

She battled for the innocent,
And for his life alone,
She fought the Great Intelligence;
Her life was all her own.

She helped the new man find his face,
His purpose and his self.
She became the new man's friend,
His sole and greatest wealth.

From sorrow did she rise,
From defeat did she claim hope,
She raised him from his torment;
It was with her he could cope.

A million lives she's lived,
A saviour and a friend.
The heroine unsung,
Must now bravely face her end.

From her courageous rise,
To her noble fall,
The universe remembers Clara,
The greatest of them all.

But even as I write,
As I sob and type these words,
She stands here at my shoulder,
Watching me type each verse.

She holds me in her arms,
And tells me that she'll never leave.
Clara Oswald will live on,
In the hearts of we who grieve.

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