I Can Feel It - Casey

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Kiara tried her best not to show how she felt when a waitress walked by her table once again and sent her a dirty look. She had tried to call Jeremy countless times, but the most she'd heard from him had been his voice-mail.

"Miss, are you ready to order, or...?" another waitress asked with a kind smile on her lips, while she raised her notepad to write down the girl's order.

"No, no, I... he must be here any second now," Kiara sighed, poiting at the empty chair in front of her.

"I'll get you some more water, then."

The girl thanked her and lowered her eyes to her lap, before she started to play with the hem of her dress. She could feel more and more people starting to stare at her as they realized what was going on.

Tears burned her hazel-colored eyes. Jeremy wasn't coming. He had stood her up, probably to laugh about it with all of his friends.

She didn't cry - it wouldn't do her any good. But there was no way to avoid the imminent humiliation she'd feel when standing up, silently admiting she'd been tricked, and leaving in a miserable state.

The nice waitress returned with another glass of water and set it on the table, placing one hand on Kiara's shoulder. "Sweetie, no one will judge you if you want to leave," she discreetly whispered so no one would hear.

Kiara raised her head and nodded, thanking the waitress silently before standing up. She ran her hands under her heyes to make sure no tear had slipped.

As she turned around to walk away, she felt herself bump into someone who immediately placed their hands on her shoulders.

"Sorry I'm late, the traffic to get here was unbelievable!" a male voice exclaimed, loudly enough for the people around them to hear.

Looking up, Kiara found herself in front of a dark-haired guy who, without shadow of a doubt, was nowhere similar to Jeremy's blond hair and green eyes.

"I, uh..."

The guy's face neared hers so he could whisper something no one would hear. "My name's Casey. I have no ideia who the idiot who stood you up was, but I can help you avoid the humiliation. If you want."

Widening her hazel eyes due to the surprise, Kiara stared at the guy in front of her as if she didn't believe what she had just heard. Her gut screamed at her to refuse immediately and avoid a situation smilar to the one she had just experienced because of Jeremy, but there was something in Casey's brown eyes that seemed genuine and friendly to her.

"Are you serious?" she murmured, fully aware of Casey's hands sliding down her shoulders to her arms.

"It's not like either of us has anything to lose." Casey shrugged and smiled. "So? Do you take it? If at any moment you want to leave, I'll be okay with it and never bug you again. That's a promise."

Kiara nodded very slowly and a shy smile made its way to her lips as she watched the dark-haired boy pull her chair so she could sit down. The girl said nothing while Casey sat down and leaned back in his chair with a smile.

"Y'know, your hair looks just like a friend of mine's," he said.

One of Kiara's hands flew almost unconsciously to touch the tips of her hair that had been recently dyed red. Her best friend had told her to dye it that color after the pink started to fade, and she had done it without a second thought - never in her life had her hair been so attention-grabbing, not even when it had been dyed light-green.


"Well, sorta. When I met her, it was just like that; but a while back, she dyed it in this mixture of orange, pink, and lilac. It'd be cool if someone knew the name of that color," Casey laughed, and pulled out his phone to show her a photograph.

I Can Feel It • Casey Moreta One-ShotUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum