Honey Duke's

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Chapter Eight

Time flew by sooner than possible. Before I knew it we were standing by the fireplace yelling "Diagon Ally!" with floo powder in our hands.

"Hey Alice! Have fun with Draco!" the twins said simultaneously... Making kissy faces. I laughed. Yeah right.

My feet were planted firmly on the ground I dusted all the soot off me. Then I ran straight to Honey Duke's.

When I went in I was slightly shocked to see a head of platinum blonde hair that could only belong to Draco, and he was standing no more than five feet away from me.

I walked towards him when he suddenly turned around. The first thing I noticed was that he didn't have his hair slicked back. The second thing I noticed was that he was looking extremely handsome.

My staring was interrupted by a voice that I haven't heard since I was eleven.

"Hi Alice!" Draco said smiling.

"Oh my gosh! I've missed you so much!" I said while hugging him.

"I know," he smiled "I got your letter."

"Oh.. Yeah.. That... That was a little straight forward. " I laughed nervously.

"It's okay. I thought it was cute." he blushed. I couldn't help blushing either.

"Oh... Thanks." I smiled.

"By the way Alice. Its all up to you." he said smiling.

"What?" I asked confused.

"We could still be together.. As a couple... If you want." he smirked.

"I don't know Draco. Only if you want to." I sighed hoping that he did.

"Well... I want to," he smiled. "Alice Potter, will you be my girlfriend.... Again?" he asked smirking.

"I would love to, kind sir." I smiled.

He kissed me then we walked out of the Honey Duke's hand in hand.

On our way to Flourish and Bott's to get our school supplies we passed the Weasley's... And my brother. Draco ignored them probably to avoid a fight, but I looked back to see their shocked faces. It was hilarious, I would have paid 100 galleons just to see it again. I walked away smirking.

"What are you smirking at?" Draco asked, smirking himself.

"Oh... Nothing..." I said slyly.

"I know there's something Ali. You might as well tell me... Or I'll tickle you to death." he smirked.

"Fine," I sighed. "When we passed the Weasley's... And my brother they had the most amusing faces." I laughed.

"Oh..." he sighed.

"Why do you say 'Oh' as if it's a bad thing." I asked concerned.

"Well.. I don't know if we should do this... Us... Alice...." Draco sighed.

"Why not?" I asked holding back tears.

"Please.. Please don't cry Alice." he held his hands up in a surrender. Then I saw something on his left wrist. I stepped back. Shocked. I pulled him into one of the crevices between the shops. And pulled up my left sleeve.

Draco looked first down at my wrist then up at my face with no other expression but shock.

Alice Lily Potter: I Fell in Love With my Brother's ArchenemyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ