Chapter Three

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The first thing Levina felt was a throbbing pain on the side of her head. She slowly opened her eyes and groaned at the bright light and increase in the throb. A gentle hand brushed her cheek and she felt a cool wooden mug against her lips. She drank the water gratefully. When her eyes finally adjusted to the light she looked up. She couldn't understand why she was so happy to see crimson red.

"Hey, you feeling ok?"

Levina went to nod her head but cried out in pain. Gajeel looked down in concern when he was pushed away and a new face looked at her.

"LEVINA ARE YOU OK?" Natsu looked at her with a guilty sad look. Gajeel glared at Natsu and growled at him.

"You could have hurt her!" Gajeel grabbed Natsu's shoulder, "Who the hell are you anyway?"

Natsu glared back, "Get your damn hand off of me and it's none of your business!"

Levina carefully but quickly sat up, "Guys! Stop it! I am as fine as someone who got hit in the head can be. And Gajeel has a right to know who you are Natsu. Natsu is my childhood friend from before I was kidnapped."

They stopped fighting but glared at each other. Levina sighed. She reached back and probed at the lump on her head. Fresh waves of pain hit her but she gritted her teeth. Standing slowly Levina looked towards the door.

"Gajeel, where are Lucy and Juvia?"

He looked up and instantly concern colored his face.

"Shit! Juvia! I gotta find her!"

He bolted up and ran out the door. Levina was surprised at his sudden mad dash then just as quickly felt her chest hurt.

Why do I feel so...sad?

Warm arms reached around Levina causing her to stiffen at first before slowly relaxing. Hot breath tickled her ear as Natsu softly spoke.

"I can't believe I finally found you after all these years. I never stopped searching. Losing you was like losing part of my heart. I-I missed you so much Levina. I'm so sorry it took so long to find you. You'll never been taken away from me ever again, I swear it."

Coldness dropped on Levina's shoulder as Natsu spoke. Levina twisted in his arms and hugged him back.

"Oh Natsu. You're here now. That's what matters. Thank you."

He sniffled softly and held Levina closely. She cleared her throat and gently pushed him back so she could see his face.

"We need to find my friends and all of us need to get out of here."

Natsu grasped her face and quickly kissed her forehead.

"Of course Levina. Let's go."

He stood and held out his hand. Levina looked at it and felt so confused as she slowly grasped it.

Why must this be so complicated?

Her thoughts turned from onyx eyes to bright crimson ones. Tears filled her eyes as she held her face down.

Why was this so confusing and why did it hurt?


Natsu led Levina away from the building and back towards the wagon. Lucy was quite frantic and quietly freaking out on Gajeel. He ignored her and was holding Juvia's shoulders. Juvia was shaking her head.

"What is going on?"

Lucy bolted up at the sound of Natsu's voice and her eyes went wide at the sight of him.

"You! But! What-LEVINA!"

Levina stumbled as Lucy grabbed her close. She winced as Lucy jostled her sore head. She was quickly released.

"What happened? Where are you hurt? What were you doing with her you brute?!"

This last question she lashed at Natsu with fire in her eyes. Natsu's eyes widened and he took a step back, clearly taken aback by her fury.

"I-uh. Um. Well. You see-ah..."

He stammered and turned red then looked at the ground.

"Lucy, it's okay. He was trying to rescue me."

Lucy covered her mouth and turned just as red as Natsu.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't realize. Um... Anyway... Levina we really need to leave now. The guards have started to look for you in the town."

With a tug on her hand, Lucy began to lead Levina towards the wagon where Gajeel stood watching the castle. Natsu slowly walked over and hopped on the wagon.

"I'll drive. Everyone here think that I'm a traveling merchant and no one is looking for me."

Levina climbed in the back of the wagon and sat behind a sack of grain. Lucy sat on the other side of the sack next to Juvia and Gajeel. The swaying of the wagon slowly dragged Levina into unconsciousness once again. Right before she went completely under, someone sat next to her and placed a cloak over her.

"Rest well. We'll get you back to your home. I promise you, Levy."

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