Repetition: 2

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Tsuna opened his eyes. He sat up in his bed and shifted around to make himself comfortable. As minutes passed, the brunette realized he probably wouldn't be going back to sleep anytime soon. "Ugh, thank God there's no school tomorrow," Tsuna muttered. He got out of bed and walked downstairs to the kitchen. He poured some water into a cup and took a few sips. "What are you doing up so early?" Reborn asked. He was leaning on the doorway in his pajamas with arms crossed. Tsuna looked at him for a moment then back at his glass of water. "Just couldn't go back too sleep," he responded. Reborn's eyebrows raised. "Mm, nightmare?" the man questioned. Tsuna pondered for a moment. "I suppose you would call it a nightmare."

Reborn made an espresso and sat across from Tsuna at the table. "What was it about?" Reborn asked. Tsuna rested his head on his arm as he spoke. "I was standing on top of a building. Giotto was behind me, just staring in horror. Words came out of my mouth, beyond my control. I said, 'if you really love me, just let me fall,'. Giotto didn't answer. He just stared. Finally, he replied, but at the time, I was already falling. I remember saying, 'you hated me, didn't you?'."

Reborn frowned at Tsuna's recount of his dream. "Tsuna, I'm pretty sure that is a nightmare," he muttered. Tsuna laughed and smiled. "Sorry, Reborn. You must've not wanted to hear a memory like that," he apologized. Reborn paused for a moment and studied the brunette. "It's fine. I've heard worse," the hitman replied. Tsuna smiled again, softly. "I see. Well then, goodnight Reborn. It was nice talking to you."

With that the boy left the kitchen and went upstairs back to his room. Reborn sat in the same place as he was when Tsuna left. A frown was evident on his face. Reborn clasped his hands together and laid his chin on them as his arms were propped on the table.

"A memory, Tsunayoshi?"


"Che, I slipped up back there," Cielo said. Tsunayoshi smiled. "It's alright. That's part of the fun, right? Giving them little hints," he commented. Cielo smiled deviously. "Of course. In time, Tsunayoshi, you'll find your answer."


"Giotto," G called. The blonde didn't answer, too busy daydreaming. G had come over to Giotto's house to help the said blonde with his homework. G swatted his childhood friend's head. "Ow! What was that for, G?" Giotto hissed. The pink haired teen leaned back with arms crossed. "You weren't answering, idiot. What's with you? You've been daydreaming a lot lately."

Giotto shrugged. "I guess I haven't been sleeping well these past few days," he replied. "Huh? What are you going to do about that? Get Cozart to sleep with you?" G teased. Giotto's face flushed. "Shut up! I do not need someone to sleep with me at night," he snapped. Giotto looked away from his friend. "Tsuna has been acting weird lately," he said. G frowned. "What do you mean by that?" he asked.

Giotto fiddled with the pencil in his hands. "I don't know. He zones out a lot and talks to himself from time to time," he muttered. G rolled his eyes. "Isn't that how you act everyday?" the teen muttered. Giotto slammed his hands down on the table. "I do not!"

G only smirked. "Oh really? Didn't I just get on to you for zoning out?" he asked.


Tsuna stood outside Giotto's room, leaning on the door. He walked away and silently closed his room door with him inside. "Kyoya," Tsuna called. The said teen appeared in a flurry of cloud flames. "I need you to do a favor for me..."


Cielo looked at the soul with his orange sunset eyes. "Sawada Tsunayoshi. Age 15. Brother of future Neo Primo of the Vongola family. What are you doing here at the gates of Sheol?" he asked. The boy only just sat there and stared. "Sawada Tsunayoshi," Cielo called. Tsunayoshi shook his head. "I'm sorry. I just wanted to see my brother," he replied. "That is not allowed. Crossing back over is forbidden," Cielo said. Tsunayoshi nodded sadly. "I know. I just wanted to see if Gio-nii would mourn or not," he whispered. Cielo narrowed his eyes. He had encountered sad souls, some even to the point where they had turned crazy from despair. But none had the motivation to see if their own brother would be sad or not. "Sawada Tsunayoshi, would you like to see your brother?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2016 ⏰

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