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That was the last bag she had. The last bag, Kate had packed. And the last bit of New York she would have left. "Yes." That was the answer she had given Castle when he proposed, just days ago. Her world, and decision had taken a bit of spin. One minute she was going to leave Castle, and the next she was engaged. Of course after a long talk they had agreed that after the wedding they would move to D.C.. Castle said it was fine, Alexis was going to college, his mom would stay in the apartment, and he could write anywhere so moving wasn't a problem. But, they still had to tell the others. The department and what would hurt the worse, Laney, Esposito, and Ryan. Her partners, best friends, and family. It would mean leaving behind her mom, in a sort of weird way. It meant leaving the desk she sat at everyday, the room she interrogated people in, the elevator, the coffee, the board she wrote on all the time, it meant leaving her home. She had grown and learned here. And, just like that she was leaving it. Tears crept up at the corners of her eyes, but she quickly wiped them away when she heard a knock on the door.

"Kate?!" a voice called from the living room. Castle.

"In here!" she called back.

"Hey!" he said, kissing her lightly on the lips. " I grabbed some more bags and thought I would start packing. Are you done?"

"Almost. I just have a couple things left, but all my clothes and wedding stuff is at the apartment." 

"Well of course it is Mrs. Castle. Or.. soon to be Mrs. Castle."

She laughed lightly. Mrs. Castle it sounded so great and silly at the same time. Like a great, amazing, yet fictional character. It seemed so weird that she would be marrying him. For years they were just partners. A writer and his muse. But here they were about to be husband and wife.

"Mrs. Katherine Houghton Castle to be exact." she said. "For a writer like you I thought the name would have been more extravagant."

"Nikki Heat isn't to bold enough for you? Let's see I could give you a new middle name.-"

But she cut him off. "No! No more crazy names. First Derrick Storm, Nikki Heat. What's next?"

"I don't know. I'm getting a bit of a writers block." he said. Yea wright! Richard Castle has writers block? The guy practically lived, breathed, and was fiction. Crazy fiction.

"So when are we going to tell the others?" he asked, concern and curiosity dripping in his tone.

"I was thinking we could head over in a minute. I'm done packing. So, why not now."

"Sounds good. I'm going to miss those guys."

"Yea, me too."

"Except for Captain Gates..." He then shuddered. "I hate that women."

"Oh, come on Castle she's not that bad."

"You're wright, chick flicks are bad. She's terrible."

"We'll maybe its your crazy story's that drive her insane." I said, waltzing into the kitchen. Some of them were a bit over the top.

"Hey, my 'crazy story's' have solved a lot of cases." He said, following me into kitchen.

"Oh, really like what?"

"Um, lets see. The Blue Butterfly," he said, using his fingers to count them off. "the voodoo guy, when your apartment blew up, the steam punk kid, shall I go on."

"No, you've proven your point." I said with a smile. "But, does that matter all I want right know is to tell my friends the good news."

I pulled him out of the apartment, and through the door. I was ready to tell the world about my engagement to Richard Castle.

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