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That next few days the two lapsed into the quiet peace of routine and even though they did not talk much, never saying more than what was needed, they both seemed to enjoy each other's presence. Newt found Minho at dinner one night the next week and took it upon himself to sit right next to him.
"Hi!" He grinned, "Good day running today huh?"
"Yeah sure?" Minho raised an eyebrow at him. All Newt ever did was follow him around then go catch up with Alby.

"What was your favourite part?"
"You're shucking kidding right?"
"No." He smiled. Minho did not know what to say. "Just tell the truth." Newt pushed him a little. Sure, he was just making conversation for conversation sake but that could do no harm.
"I guess my favourite part is just... running."

"That was highly descriptive." Newt rolled his eyes while saying sarcastically.

Minho's face reddened, "I just meant the feeling I get when I run."

Leaning in Newt said, "Tell me more about it."
"I don't really do all this "talking about my feelings" shit." He grunted.
"C'mon. Try it."

"Fine." He looked up to see Newt staring intently at his face. "I like the wind on my face, the adrenaline in my body, and the feel of my feet moving." He quickly looked away, "Or something like that I guess."
"I like it cause I feel so free."

"Yeah. I know there are walls all around out there but it still feels freer than in the Glade. I think it's just the whole exploring thing. You know?"
"Sure." He gave him a weird look. Newt just smiled. Minho had to look away.

As the months went by the two of them became quite close. It was gradual and Minho almost did not notice it at first but Newt had filled his life just like the boys that began to fill the Glade. There was now fourteen of them there but Newt seemed to be the only one which Minho actually had taken interest in. This was good of course considering that Newt was very sociable and well liked among all of his peers and in turn, and without even noticing, Newt had made Minho more social. Alby knew this would happen and would commonly find himself smiling while watching Minho laughing along with the other gladers or seeing his face scrunch up when Newt would hassle him. This was exactly what Alby had wanted. Of course Minho was still somewhat of a recluse but he was not an outsider anymore. He and Newt still made time to see each other fairly often but Minho had slid his way into being Newt's top priority, but honestly Alby was more than okay with that. Newt would bring him status updates on the Glade's dynamics because he was best at talking to the others and solving problems. The inside man really did help Alby out. Newt was almost his unofficial second man. So when he's asked for his own hut to be used for him and Minho to create a replica of the maze Alby gave it to them without a doubt. It was located deep within the dead heads as to give them ample amounts of privacy, which Newt had asked for, and was out of the way of the rest of the Glade. In this hut Newt and Minho spent most of their hours. They'd become very close, almost inseparable, and even developed inside jokes.

As they ran back towards the Glade Newt and Minho carried on conversation through ragged breathing.
"Hey Minho, let's finish the replica today." Newt proposed.

"We don't have enough time." Minho replied.
"Then let's make time."
"We'll stay there all night after dinner. Then sleep in tomorrow."
"What's the point?"
"To finish it today!" He seemed excited over the premise of finishing the maze replica that day.
"I guess so."
"I'll make it worth your time." Newt laughed as they slowed down their pace and started to walk through the Glade.

"What's that supposed to mean?"
"I'll get us some food. Maybe even some fire juice." He winked not so subtly.

Minho crossed his arms over his chest, "I don't drink that shit."
"Then I'll snatch some food and fire juice for myself."
"Fry and Gally will kill you."
"Only if they find out." He smirked.
"Newt-" He started to warn.

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