X. In Nature's Hands

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Chances (Chapter Ten)

X.  In Nature’s Hands

When the old lady, who introduced herself as Nanay Saling, left them in a small room with one bamboo bed, Devon immediately squared it off with James.

“Since we already have one bed,” Devon said with hands akimbo. “I’m taking it.” Devon plunked her bag on the bamboo bed. But James quickly took the bag off the bed.

“Oh, no,” retorted James. “It was you who got us into trouble. So I am taking the bed.”

Devon’s mouth became wide open and she watched while James sat down on the bed.  “What a gentleman,” Devon said sarcastically. She sat down on the bamboo bed and looked at James. “If you did not insist on eating lunch, we would be in Baguio right now.”

“Well, if you did not insist on hitch hiking, we could’ve gone back to Manila and not in the middle of nowhere without any money,” James answered back.

They were facing at each other, daring each one to come up with a better answer, when the door started to open. James quickly placed his hand on Devon’s waist and pulled her towards him. Devon was surprised with the gesture and was about to say something when Nanay Saling came inside the room with a blanket and two pillows.

“Is everything okay,” asked Nanay Saling.  She handed the blanket and pillows to Devon.

James quickly answered, “Oh, there’s nothing wrong.  Thank you very much for being so kind and letting us stay overnight.”

Nanay Saling nodded and said before leaving the room, “When you’re done changing clothes, join me in dinner.”

Devon immediately pulled away from James when Nanay Saling left the room.  She stood up and said, “Since nobody would like to give in, I say we share the bed.”

James raised an eyebrow. This lady could be shocking sometimes, he thought.  “It’s okay with me.” He got his bag and started to look for a pair of shorts.

What, Devon thought wildly, he was supposed to refuse! He should’ve thought that it is inappropriate to sleep besides a woman who is not his fiancée. This man is so infuriating.  Devon gasped when he saw James taking off his pants and quickly turned her back from him.  “What are you doing? You could’ve warned me,”  she said angrily.

James tried to control his laughter behind Devon’s back. After changing into shorts, he walked towards her and whispered in her ear. “You have to get used to it, wifey. Besides you’ll be snuggling with me the entire night.”

Devon blushed and quickly turned around to chuck this infuriating man but found him already on the door.

“Be quick, my small and morena wife,” James said sweetly. “You don’t want to keep Nanay Saling waiting.”

James immediately closed the door before he could get hit with a flying a pillow.


It was almost seven o’ clock in the morning, the next day and here they are in Nanay Saling’s store, trying to sort the fruits in the old lady’s stand.

James dropped a kaing with fruits when he saw Devon sitting besides the stall, trying to take the ants out of a rambutan fruit.  He could not help but smile. Last night at  dinner, she walked into the small kitchen wearing a pair of shorts and red shirt. She has dried her hair and it was flowing freely, untied in her back. She smiled pleasantly when she entered the room. She’s so beautiful, just like a Barbie doll, James remembered. 

CHANCES by bitemegenesisWhere stories live. Discover now