Waves Of Love - Larry Stylinson One-Shot

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His hand was gliding gracefully through the tall wave that raised powerfully to his right, pushing him over to the shore, as if challenging the boy to do better. A few drops of salty water were falling in his eyes, making him blink rapidly while moving expertly on his surfboard, panting for air.

A few more second and the wave was growing smaller, letting him get out of it and slowly drop onto his stomach on the white board, sliding over to the shore and finally standing up, putting the object under his right arm and carrying it.

He dragged himself along the grainy sand, his feet aching slightly from the scratch. As the feathery haired boy reached his towel, he shook his hair, wiping his hand through it to remove the excess water.

His left hand reached blindly behind his neck in order to unzip his black suit as his right one gently put the surfboard down. He finally slid the suit halfway down his body, letting it hang above his waist, his legs still covered but his torso on full display, showing his beautiful tan as the sunlight hit it just the right way with the early morning sun rays.

Suddenly, heavy steps could be heard, breaking the morning silence. He turned around and smiled at his friend.

"Hi Harry! Early morning?", he questioned, putting his hands on his hips and turning all of his attention to the panting boy in front of him.

"Morning, Louis! Not really. Just couldn't sleep, that's all. Thought you'd be here already. I guess I was right!", Harry smiled broadly as if he had just won the lottery.

Louis laughed and shook his head slowly. "You should be sleeping, Haz! It's not even 8 in the morning, you crazy boy!", Louis smiled at him fondly.

Harry was fidgeting and blushing a little. "Maybe.", he mumbled, his head hanging low in embarrassment. "I thought I'd be on time to watch you surf, but I'm late, aren't I?", he looked up, into Louis's deep blue eyes - that seemed even /more/ blue after he went into the water - with a disappointed look on his face.

Louis chuckled. "Don't worry. I'll be practicing some more.", he assured, winking at the curly lad.


Harry was sitting in the sand, letting the water wash over his bare feet. He closed his eyes, allowing his mind to think of a certain blue eyed, sandy haired, small, cute, funny, handsome surfer.

Him and Louis had been friends for one full year now, after Harry and his family moved in next to the Tomlinson's.

And now, he knew he was absolutely, completely, undeniably in love with his beautiful neighbour.

Watching him get up every morning to go to the sea - 'It's amazing, Haz! Out there, you can fight! You can control yourself! You can be free!' - and stand up to the untameable waves in an attempt to be himself made Harry admire him so much... He wished he could do it, but being the clumsy mess he was, he didn't even try.

Instead, he stayed in safe land, letting Louis do his thing while he did his own: stare at him in awe and letting his heart fall further for the boy.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?", the thick british accent made it clear who it was before Harry even turned around. He smiled deeper.

"It is.", he simply answered.

The smaller lad sat down next to him. "I'm staying here tonight.", he announced nonchalantly.

The lanky lad's head snapped up and he raised his eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

Louis looked at him too, grinning widely. "I mean I'm gonna stay here tonight.", he repeated amusedly.

Larry Stylinson (One - Shot) - Waves Of LoveWhere stories live. Discover now