Episode 12

158 8 105

(long episode cuz sex at the end)


               "Spes." Carl warns me that we're up to our necks in human hate when I see them begin to rise and look my way, 2 coming closer in this little space of shops that I'm starting to fvcking despise. Dammit, I thought I'd at least get to finish my fvcking meal!

It's so good too.

"You two." I lift my chin to the couple of muscle guys with their plain shirts covering how 'ripped' they are, the sweat on their foreheads grossing me out along with their ugly as$ faces frowning at me.

Terrific. There were always as$holes back home but it died down because of mom. If there was any hate towards me at the mall, it was close to irrelevant given I was their savior from this catastrophe. Dad sure landed me a huge ego back then.

"Sammy, please don't." A woman in modest clothes, and ratty, stands to urge her...husband I think, not to advance.

He's not listening apparently.

Here we go.

"We don't want to hurt you." Carl warns anyone who cares to listen.

I don't mind hurting someone actually; I think I have it coming to me to let off some steam aside from walkers who won't even come near me. I'm ready to take on some bullies who give me trouble while I'm on a date with my boyfriend.

"Don't make us."

"Fvck you." The dark skinned man on the right begins to breathe harder due to the fact that the one who is the source of all this in the world has come to his front door and he's ready to let out some frustration.

It's not like I don't blame him, yet on a level I agree with him. Still I'm through keeping back on fighting for who I actually am.

I'm not a virus.

I'm a tool that sprouted free will.

They won't mess with me because I won't let them.

"I don't think they're gonna listen, so what do you want to do?" Carl's blue eyes flash to me asking for my lead when I sigh and give him the go ahead to bring us into a fight.

A messy brawl.

"I really wish this happened before I ate. Or after I digested." I complain.

"If you want, I can take care of it. You can finish eating." My sexy man offers and sh1t he's so beautiful when he talks about beating someone up.

Ok, that's wrong of me.

"Thanks babe, but they're beef is with me. I can't sit this one out." I shift while they narrow their eyes.

I mean we could always find someone to help but that wouldn't be any fun.

"Guess they're gonna have to learn the hard way." His precious lips pull into a Carl smirk when I sigh at the fact that I don't have my saber but we both on cue take our steak knives and ready them in our palms to confront these two 6 feet plus as$wipes.

"Whoa! Wait a minute kiddo's...what the fvck do you think you're gonna do?" That man who pointed me out at the grill intervenes. Seriously? What are we gonna do?

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