(2) Santa Baby

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Title: Santa Baby

Prompt: we're both dressed as santa for the office christmas party au

Summary: Joe really didn't want to go to the office party dressed as Santa on Christmas, but it ends up being better than he expected.

Words: 1.9k

Disclaimer: I do not own Joe or Caspar; I did not write the prompt, I got it from tumblr; and Jaspar isn't real in real life so yeah. That sucks.

Warnings: fluffy fluff fluff :) also joe is grumpy in this one lmao

Recommended By: nobody

How To Recommend a One Shot: pm me (jennamarie45) or ask me on tumblr.

Author's Note: thank you all so much for your feedback on the last one shot thankyouthankyouthankyou :D anyways here's the second one.

Release Date: Dec. 2nd, 2015

Christmas Songs Rec: Santa Baby, Eartha Kitt


Joe really hated Zoe. He really did. He was currently sitting in the backseat of a car listening to her rattle off why he should be happy to be going to the Christmas Party, and she wouldn't listen to anything he had to say.

"It's not that I'm not happy that I'm going to the party," Joe said, frowning slightly. "It's the fact that I'm dressed as Santa Claus!"

Then she decided to lecture him on how it was a requirement for at least one person to go dressed as Santa to the office party.

What if somebody else is going dressed as Santa? Joe thought to himself as he zoned his sister out, pressing his head to the back of his seat. Then what do I do?

It didn't help that Joe looked weird in his outfit. It was one of those 'normal' clothes that was 'disguised' as a costume. It was a tight long-sleeved red shirt with a white line and a buckle on it, and then his pants were red skinny jeans, topped off with dark black boots which he hated because they didn't even make him any taller! It was absolutely dreadful, yet Joe had to deal with it because of his stupid older sister.

"Can you please stop?" Joe moaned as they pulled up to the building. It was dark and they decorated the building with multi-colored fairy lights, so there was light outside besides just the lamp-posts. Zoe payed the Uber quickly and got out behind Joe, wiping off her dress slightly. "It isn't that big of a deal!"

"It's a tradition," Zoe says, heels clacking as they start walking towards the building. "And I won't have you ruin it!"

Joe rolled his eyes as she yapped on about 'tradition' and how she 'did it three times in the past years' and how Joe needed to stop 'watching so much Netflix and being antisocial.'

"I'm not antisocial," Joe said as he got in the elevator behind his older sister, watching her press the 3rd floor button. "I just enjoy doing my work and then going home."

"Name two people that work here you speak to,"

"Dan and Phil?"

"Besides Dan and Phil, because they're not here tonight to speak to you."

Joe stayed silent, searching his mind. "Well I know everybody."

"You don't know Caspar or Ingrid," Zoe said, crossing her arms. "The day they started to work here, you locked yourself in your office and spent the day doing your work and ignoring everyone."

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