Chapter 2

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They finished setting up camp and we were assigned tents. I got to have a tent with my sister Emily, right now she was playing with Carl and Sophia showing both of them mr.perrywinkle. I smiled and went over to Andrea
"Hey do you need help with anything" I asked she handed me a basket of clothes
"always! You can help with the laundry" she said smiling. I nodded me, Andrea, Lori, Jacqui, Amy, and carol went down to the lake to do the laundry. We were all laughing and having a good time when carols husband Ed came over after Andrea said she wanted to be out with the boys and why do we have to do the laundry
"This isn't a comedy show... Women are put in the kitchen for a reason"
"Mind your own business women have rights to now. We could start a life!" Andrea said as we all stood up.
"Come on carol" Ed said grabbing carols hand
"No you can't take carol" I said grabbing her arm
"No... Honey it's okay..." Carol said trying to fake a smile
"Carol it's not okay... Ed we see what you do to carol, the bruises..." Jacqui said standing up for her
"You don't have the right to tell me how to treat MY wife!" He said pulling onto carol
"Now Carol!" He said trying to pull her away from us
"Let her go!" Andrea shouted but was slapped in the face by Ed we all looked at him shocked and started screaming and trying to get Carol away from him. Shane came down and ripped Ed away from us and beat him to the ground. I held onto Carol as she cried in my shoulder. Daryl came down with Merle. Daryl pulled Shane off of Ed and Carol ran over to him crying
"What's going on?! What happened?!" Shane asked looking at Lori
"Ed smacked Andrea!" Lori yelled trying to defend all of us we nodded. I looked over at Ed and Carol and then at Daryl... He walked over and smiled slightly but it quickly went away.
"What else happened?" He asked not believing Lori, we all shrugged looking at each other
"Well are you all okay?" Shane asked calming down we all nodded
"I will be as soon as I kick that good for nothing Ed in the face!" Andrea yelled and tried walking away but I grabbed her wrist
"Hey... It's okay" I said softly she relaxed and nodded and Amy took her to see dale. Lori looked at Shane and they left me and Jacqui to do the chores. Me and Jacqui sat down and started doing the laundry again. I forgot Daryl was still here and he sat next to me helping with the laundry. I looked up and smiled at him, he smiled back. Jacqui looked at me then Daryl and she stood up
"I'm going to go see if they need help" I nodded and me and Daryl sat there and just talked until we did all the laundry. He doesn't really talk that much but when he did it was because I said something. He's too nice... Why isn't his brother like that?! We took the laundry back up to the camp and gave it to Jacqui. Daryl decided to leave I don't know where he goes, but I decided to stay with Jacqui. I looked at her as we folded clothes.
"Did I give you enough time?" She asked making me blush.
"Thanks Jacqui..." I said smiling slightly and she smile back. I felt like she was the only person I could trust, maybe dale, Andrea, and Amy... But that's about it. I looked down at the last shirt and it made me think about Daryl and how he was smiling and how he would laugh. I smiled and Jacqui looked at me confused
"Looks like I didn't give you enough time..." She said then walked away to give everyone there clothes. I started handing out clothes to everyone and then went to visit Carol. I walked into the RV quietly
"Carol..." I called I then heard crying and hesitantly got into the RV and saw carol on a bench crying I looked at her then sat next to her hugging her
"Carol... Hey hey it's okay..." I said softly she sniffled and tried to stop crying
"You deserve better! You and Sophia... I know you love her with all your heart, just do what's right for both of you" I said trying to comfort her with a smile
"Y-your right" she said sniffling then wiping her eyes
"How about some tea?" I asked her quietly and she nodded. I heat up some water and put some water in a cup with a tea bag I saved the rest... I'm very surprised dale actually had tea bags... I added some milk he had in the fridge and some sugar I found in the cupboard. I gave her the cup of tea and she sipped it smiling slightly kind of over it. I dipped part of a wash cloth in the extra hot water I had left over and dabbed her eyes so they didn't look red. I put the wash cloth down and smiled. The door to the RV opened and Daryl stepped in he smiled and nodded at me.
"I'm going to go..." I said to Carol hugging her one more time before getting up. Daryl grabbed my arm when I passed him and turned. I looked up at him confused he looked at me for a minute and sighed letting me go. I turned and walked out of the RV. I should go practice with my machete... I haven't held one in a while. I walked into the woods and practiced on multiple zombies. I was better than I thought. After what I thought was about a half hour I walked back putting the machete in its sheaf. I walked back and went to find my sister. She was playing with Carl and Sophia. She ran over to me and hugged my legs
"Hi y/n me and Sophia wanted to go down to the lake and catch frogs with Carl and Shane." She said
"Does Shane allow?" I asked and Shane came over
"Of course they can come!" He said with a smile. Shane's a nice guy from what I'm seeing. I smiled back at Shane
"That's awfully nice of you! Thanks for taking her..." I said hugging Emily he nodded
"Be good... I love you" I said to Emily before she ran off with Carl. It was getting late so Im guessing they would do it another day. We got called for dinner so I sat next to Carol. Sophia and Emily would giggle and whisper to each other. The whole group would laugh at something Glenn would say. It was getting late so I took Emily with me to bed. Just when I was about to fall asleep Emily poked me
"I miss mommy..." She said as I rubbed my eyes
"So do I..." I said softly
"Can I sleep with you tonight?" She asked a little scared. I nodded and pulled her into my sleeping bag
"Good night Emily love you..." I said before closing my eyes
"Love you too y/n... Good night" she said cuddling up close to me until we fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2016 ⏰

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