chapter one reavealing,

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"Emma time to get up sweetie"yelled mom.She knew I was tired and didn't want to go to school today but then my dad came to get me so I got right up. I went to go get ready for another day of school even though I don't want to go. I went downstairs and of course my luck I fell down the stairs and everyone came to see if I was ok and I was.I got up and was ready for another embarrassing day of school so I got my backpack and was ready to go. When I got there me and my friend Lily walked to are class and when we got there we had gym. When we got to gym I was running and I closed my eyes when I opened them back up I was on the floor and the gym coach was calling 911. When they came they put me in their van and drove me to the hospital they put me in a deep sleep for two days. When I got up the doctors did a test on me while I was sleeping and they told me that I had cancer and I was devastated it mad me too sad that I had to be knocked out for two more day
That's all I know about the wort day of my life.

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