Chapter Seventeen

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"Brian?!" Chester gasped from behind me and I stepped aside, letting him run and jump into his brother's arms. The two embraced tightly and Chester seemed incredibly happy. I smiled at the sight and sat aside as the two began to babble about where they each have been and what was going on, I only payed attention to pieces I found important.

"I'm sorry I didn't come sooner, little bro. Mom and dad wanted me away from you, they knew I'd come and take you from them. They filed a restraining order against me and made me write that letter that said I was dying. I stayed in the town over for a while and heard the infamous Shinoda household was adopting a boy with a... a bad past. I knew it was you and came as soon as I could. The restraining order was only involving mom, dad, and I, not you, so I can see you."

"I missed you so much, it's okay, Brian," Chester had tears running down his cheeks. He wiped them away and looked to me. He sniffled and smiled, breaking away from his brother. He came to my side, hugging me. I felt pride bloom within me. No matter who was around, Chester still would come to me. "Brian, this is Mike. He's... He's my boyfriend."

"Boyfriend?" Brian smirked. "Gone all the way yet?"

"Brian!" Chester shrieked and both his brother and I laughed, amused by Chester's reaction.

"Sorry, sorry, little bro. You know I'm just messing with you," Brian grinned and turned his attention onto me. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mike. You must do a lot for him, he's happier than I've seen him."

"He does, B-Rye. He makes me happier than anyone ever has."

"Even me?" He playfully pouted and Chester blushed a deep crimson.

"Sorry," He grinned and kissed my cheek, as if to proof himself. I was about to pitch in, when my phone rang. 


"Hi, is this Michael Shinoda? Son of Donna?" A lady asked and I pulled a face.

"Yes, this is."

"You are listed as Donna's emergency contact-"

"What happened?!" I immediately snapped, knowing this doesn't mean well. I felt Chester's hand surround mine and squeeze it gently. I looked into his eyes and felt myself melt, calming down. 

"Please calm down, sir. Ms. Shinoda was involved in a car accident and is intensive care. We cannot reveal all the details, but we would appreciate it if you could come and help make any decisions we must make."

"I'll be there," I said shortly before hanging up. I looked to Chester again, who seemed concerned. "Mom was in a car accident."

"What?!" Chester gasped and pulled me in for a tight hug. "Brian, could you give us a lift to the hospital?"

"Of course... And Ches? We do need to talk about something, later of course, but just remember, alright?"



When we arrived at the hospital, Jay was in the waiting room. He must've been called as well. I left Chester's side and went to him, pulling him into a hug. He had tears running down his cheeks and I gave him a supportive smile.

"Looks like we'll be the one making mom cookies this time," I chuckled, trying to cheer him up. I was absolutely terrified, but I needed to help Jay feel just a little better.

"Yeah," He sniffled. I sat down next to him, Chester and Brian on the other side of me. 

"Chester, can I talk to you about this now? It can't wait."

"Sure," I heard Chester say softly. I loved his voice, it was so pure and sweet; innocent. He's my everything. I love him so much, I couldn't imagine what I would do in this moment if he wasn't here with me. He's the only thing helping me keep my cool. 

"I'm meant to return to my army base in Florida at the end of the week, two days from now. There's a place where you and I could live there... I don't want to leave you behind, especially with mom and dad on the loose, trying to get to you..." Brian said and my heart felt like it stopped all together.

"What?!" I snapped, barging into their argument. I put a possessive arm around Chester. I thought my mom said things would be good when he got here, not turn things to absolute shit. I can't do this without Chester.

"Look, Mike, everything will be fine. Chester can come visit and you can visit him and he can come back when this thing with our parents is over."

"No! You can't do that! I need him, especially now! Who do you think you are?! You're here for a hour and you already take the best thing in my life away from me?! Do you have any idea how much that hurts me? And him? You said it yourself, I make him happy! Why won't you let us be happy?!" I yelled at him, feeling myself snapping. Tears were running down my face and I knew I was breaking. I could barely see him through my tear-filled eyes, but he seemed to look guilty.

"I'm sorry, Mike. I'm taking this to the court and they'll see it my way. I'll get custody and take him where my parents can't hurt him. Do you want him to be hurt?" 


"Of course not, so let him come with me."

"I can't," I croaked, feeling thin arms surround me. I hugged Chester tightly. I wiped my tears and sniffled, seeing a doctor step into the waiting room.

"Those here for Donna Shinoda," The doctor called and the four of us rose and went towards him.

"Is she okay?" I asked quickly and the doctor looked between us. I had an arm around Chester, afraid he'd disappear if I let go, even just a little.

"Ms. Shinoda is a fighter, the crash was not friendly, but she's fighting. She sustained pretty heavy injury, but is holding on, her will is strong. But I am sorry to inform you, she is in a chemically induced coma that was needed to help repair her internal injuries, as she could not move in the slightest without causing further damage."

"When will she wake up?" Chester spoke up softly and I gave him a small squeeze. 

"There is no way of knowing, only time will tell," The doctor sighed and let us be. I let Chester go and turned to Jay, who was shocked. He looked at me and a silent tear ran down his face, before he went charging out the door.

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