Lost Heiress

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Everyone is OOC. Completed since 2014

Golden strands fell into the deep blue waters. Her brown orbs turned dull as a smirk made it's way unto another girl's lips. "The riches of your bastard of a father will be mine!" She laughed at the poor figure before she gave a snall peck to a man's lips. The man watched his golden haired fiancé as waved devoured her. Deep inside, guilt was eating him alive. "I'm sorry." He thought as the body disappeared into the cold night.

Cameras flashed and eyes were all over him as he evaded each of the reporter's questions. He deeply sighed in relief as he entered his car with his guards blocking him from the flashing lights. "I'm sorry but Mr. Dragneel would like to have some privacy." Hid secretary told the enormous crowd. The man named Dragneel watched as the engine roared into life and moved safely away from them. Slowly, the tall building faded into the background and was replaced by trees as they went.

Today, he planned on going to Islas Dragones, the island that he wanted to puke for hearing it's title. Obviously, he really wasn't into romance.

His tanned skin glistened under the sultry weather as he walked along the blue coast of the island. A golden object seemed to glitter from his eyes, catching his attention. His legs unconsciously carried himself near the figure. He was mesmerized by the beauty that washed ashore in his island. It was like a siren, a mythical creature, singing to him, drawing him closer. Her eyes remained shut as she took in rough breaths. Thank the heavens, she was still alive. He took the woman in his arms. Surprisingly, her body fit well with his. Most of the females he dated, were just too small for him or too thin for him, but this woman, was perfect. He took the sleeping maiden in his arms as he took her in his care.

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