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Her consciousness slowly began to heal as her body was wrapped in a tight embrace. She hadn't remembered anything these past few days but being with him, made her forget all the pain she went through.

The pink haired man smiled as he walked along the shores with the blonde walking next to him. He felt nervous all of the sudden. What was this feeling? Sure, he had attended a lot of business meetings with a straight face but he was confident as ever except when he was face to face with his Luce. Oh gosh, just imagine how he was wrapped around her fingers. He was definitely whipped, just as Loke predicted.

"Grr..." The platinum haired woman gritted her teeth in anger as she paced back and forth in front of the CEO's office. "Damn him! How dare he ditch me?!" Her voice made the other employees cower back in nervousness. A calm Loke sat on the chair while sipping a tea made by Natsu's secretary, Happy. "And you!" She pointed an accused finger towards the ginger haired Leo. "I know you're hiding him. Tell me where he is." Loke shrugged nonchalantly as he made a zipping gesture in his mouth.

The youngest of the Strauss sibling was furious but then she thought of something. "If you won't tell me where he is then.." She snapped her fingers, only for her bodyguards to appear with a person struggling. His eyes widen at the sight and then it turned to rage. "Let her go! She's out of this!" Lisanna smirked triumphantly at the distressed man. "Surely you would tell me." She chuckled as she patted the pink haired woman's cheek. "I'm sorry!" She apologized as she look into her husband's eyes. "Please let Aries go." He sighed defeatedly. Lisanna shoved the knife near Aries' neck. "Tell me."

Loke muttered incoherent words as he told her. "I'm sorry Natsu." The guards instantly let go of Aries as she instantly ran towards him. "I'm sorry!" Loke patted her hair. "It's ok. I'm here."

A white haired woman came inside the office with a sly grin on her face. "How's it going?" Behind her was the petite blue haired woman following her with her new master's bag in her hand. Lisanna grinned meekly. "Soon enough, I'll get what I always wanted. To have his heart. I'll just have to use my acting skills to have him back in my life again. How about you, Sorano?" She scoffed upon hearing her original name. "It's Angel to you, Miss Strauss." Lisanna gasped jokingly. "Oh well, I wasn't that informed."

"But at least we've become friends.." The guards ushered the couple outside as the two ladies talked about their plans. Angel tapped on her chin as if in thought. "I heard that you know where the youngest Dragneel is am I right?" The short haired woman crossed her arms. "So what about it?" Sweat dripped from Levy's forehead as she continously waved the fan towards Angel. "I have a proposal for you."

"Then let's hear it." Silence enveloped the two before Angel said her proposal. "If you find the Heartfilia heiress, I want you to get rid of her. Surely it would be an easy task since your elder brother, Elfman owns a weaponry business." A soft gasp escape from the blue haired McGarden as she heard of their conversation. "How would you know that I would surely find her if I ever accept the proposal?" Angel grinned. "We all heard about the news of her loss right? The coast guards has searched every island in sight near her disappearance but..." She tapped her heels once before she continued. "Every island near the port except Islas Dragones."

Lisanna sighed. "What would I get?" Angel sat on the couch now with Levy at her side. "Natsu's heart." She raised her eyebrows. "But how?" Angel shrugged nonchalantly. "Being the new manager of the Heartfilia industries, I have my connections now. And I know what thing that will make this Dragneel marry you." The eldest of the Aguria family shoved a folder towards the waiting Lisanna. Her eyes widen yet she felt the excitement rush inside her. "Well, consider this proposal signed."

Lost Heiress ♡ NaLuWhere stories live. Discover now