11. Black Sheep

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"How long does it take to get one damn address?"

He was getting mad. No, furious. If his memory weren't so horrible, he'd already have what he was looking for and would be well on the way to revenge. But no; he couldn't remember one number and now he was stuck with the street name as well.

"Chuck," someone called and Bones whirled around, stomping heavily over to the one that had called him. His feet thudded on the floor violently, shaking the ground beneath his weight. He liked to think that he was made of meat to kill, not meat to eat.

"Got somethin'?" Bones hissed, glaring down at the papers in front of the man. Roman was a smart man, with muscles of steel and wits as quick as a fox. Bones was glad that Roman had sided with him and not Deane. Why anyone would want to side with Deane, Bones had no clue.

Nor did he care. Anyone who sided with Nathaniel Deane was just another person Bones could kill.

"Deane's been spotted," he announced, and heads turned their way. When others tried to squeeze their way into the conversation, Bones grabbed their faces and shoved them backwards before returning his now-alert attention back to Roman.

"Where?" he demanded loudly, slamming his beefy fist on the table with a loud thud. "I'm gonna grind 'is bones to meal when I get my hands on 'im. Where is 'e, damn it?"

"That shopping mall," Roman replied coolly, his deep gruff voice grinding the words out smoothly. "I got a man there who reported seeing his mad head hanging' around a wheelchair place with a leg in his hand."

"A leg?" Bones was surprised. Why did they need a leg? Why was Deane carrying a leg around a shopping mall?

"It's a prosthetic," Roman added with a raised eyebrow. "I remember seeing his kid brother unconscious when he had the girl came upstairs and knocked us all with that white shit, whatever it was. He was breathing but his leg was dragging."

"He broke 'is brother's leg," Bones murmured, then a wide, toothy grin spread across his face. "Yes, 'e broke 'is brother's leg! This is good news, boys. If they getting a prosthetic, they had to cut 'is leg off! They ain't goin' nowhere. Get your guy to follow Deane. Tell 'im to give us an address and wait for us there. If 'e moves in without me, I'm gonna smash 'is skull in too so make sure 'e knows it."

Roman nodded and picked his phone up as Bones moved away from the desk, climbing the stairs from the basement. He had seen things in that girl... bad things. She wasn't human. She couldn't have been. She was an alien, sent down to- to do something, he was sure. She would have scared him more if Bones knew that she wanted to hurt him. But as it turned out, the little wretch didn't like hurting anyone. He could use her. His main plot was to get back at Nathaniel, but what if the only way to do that was to get to his brother? That, he already knew, but if that girl was close to the kid, something could definitely be done. A decision, perhaps. An impossible one based on time and 'love', as pathetic as it was. Because, as unfortunate as it was, the kid could only ever save one.

Bones grinned ominously and stormed into the living room. Soon, he thought to himself. You'll have 'em soon.


Atticus got Reyna to set out a fresh set of clothes for him when he got out of the bath, which was full of blood and dirt when he was finished with it. He drained it before getting back into the chair again, hair wet but clean. He wasn't sure if he had gotten to all the blood around his face, because his head was the one thing he couldn't see. The mirror wasn't helping either, so he just left it. It'd wash off eventually.

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