Chapter 4: Quantico

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        The next morning, I woke up to the delicious smell of breakfast.
       As the sweet aroma filled the air, I sprung out of bed, and checked my alarm clock to see it was only six in the morning. Since that's when I had originally planned to wake up, I was able to take my time.
      Taking my time, I turned off the  alarm I had set for myself (since it never went off), slipped on a pair of pajama pants as well as a sweatshirt then headed downstairs to find Kristen cooking.
        "What's this?" I asked as I rubbed my eyes, and gave a small yawn. "Well since you have a big day ahead of you, I thought you needed a big breakfast.." She replied with a smile. I had then said, "Thanks, Kelly but, that's not necessary.." "Oh, yes it is!" She snapped back happily.
        Not wanting to argue anymore, I turned to Katie who was eating some scrambled eggs, and asked, "Katie, did you help momma? Did you help momma with breakfast?" in a very childish tone.  Katie had then grinned ear to ear, revealing her new pearly whites as she squished her scrambled eggs in her tiny hands. I had then smiled back at Katie as I kissed her forehead then, pulled up a chair beside her as my sister handed me a plate of pancakes, and bacon as well as a glass of orange juice.
         As I dug into my breakfast, I said, "I can't believe she has her two front  teeth on the bottom row already.." "I know. She's growing up way to fast..." Kristen replied as she finished up the rest of the pancakes before joining me for breakfast.
        The two of us had then sat in silence for a moment or two till Kristen said, "Oh, before I forget. John wanted me to remind you to pack a few bags as he has a feeling they'll be having you stay on campus for the duration of your training..." My smile had then faded as I asked, "Will you three be alright with me being away again?" Kristen then sighed, and said," Though, we'd rather have you stay here during your training. I think it's safe to say we can live with you only being ten to fifteen minutes away.." "You really mean it, Kris?" I asked with excitement clearly showing in my voice. "Of course I do, Kell. Besides we can always get together on weekends, right?" "Your right, Kris. Also thanks for the heads up!" I replied as I finished my breakfast. I had then glanced over at the microwave, and saw it was seven o'clock.
        I thanked Kristen for being alright with me being away again, as well as for breakfast, chugged the rest of my juice then headed upstairs where, I took a fast shower, dressed casually then prepared my bags. After filling a few rather large duffel bags of my belongings, I prepared a third bag that contained an extra outfit, baggy t-shirt and shorts, tennis shoes, a few bottles of water as well as a few snacks which served as a gym bag before I  scurried downstairs.
     Once I made sure I had everything, I said my goodbyes to my family then headed out the door, and to the academy.







          After about ten to fifteen minutes of driving, I came across a large building with a sign that read, "FBI Academy" with "Quantico, VA" underneath it. I had then took a deep breath and said, "This is it.." as I pulled into the long driveway, parked my car then headed into the building where I found myself standing in what appeared to be a lobby as there was a small desk as well as a few chairs and a wall of achievements of some sort.
      Anyways, I approached the front desk, and found a woman with red hair, and brown eyes frantically typing on a keyboard. It took a few minutes for her to notice me however, when she did she smiled and asked, "Hello there, how may I help you?" "Hi, I'm Kelly Keller and I'm here to see a Colonel Sanders.." I said with some uncertainty in my voice. She smiled and said, "Right this way the Colonel has been expecting  you.." as she lead me into his office.
        The Colonel stood up and said, "Hello there, you must be Kelly Keller, John Keller's sister-in-law." "Yes, Sir. That's me!", I replied as I approached the middle aged man, and shook his hand before adding, "...and you must be Colonel Sanders.." "Yes, that would be me.." He said as he had me take a seat while the red headed woman left shutting the door behind her.  
      Once we were completely alone, the two of us got right down to business.
      The Colonel looked at me and said, "You know why you're here don't you?" "To talk about your program, Sir?" I questioned. "That's right!" He nodded before adding, "My program is a twenty week on campus course that will teach and train you the ways of the Federal Bureau of Investigation or FBI. You may choose which unit you'd like to specialize in however, most of our classes are full at this time.." I nodded then said, "Sir, I'm sorry to interrupt but, may I ask what units still have spots open?" He said, "Why, certainly.." he then had begun listing them off however, none of them really caught my eye till he named off the very last one; Behavioral Analysis.
       I had then asked him more about his Behavioral Analysis Unit Program.
      The Colonel smiled then told me as much as he could about the program; though it wasn't much it really intrigued me. Colonel Sanders then asked, "So have you made your choice?" I smiled and said, "Yes, Sir. I want to join your Behavioral Analysis Program."
          After confirming my choice, he helped me fill out some paperwork, and printed out my schedule. He then handed me everything I needed, and said, "You can start as soon as you'd like." "Could I start today?" I asked. "Sure." He replied.
        He then gave me a tour of the entire building, showed me where my classes were then finally showed  me to my dorm room. Colonel Sanders said, "Since there is now an uneven number of cadets, you will have this room to yourself unless another cadet enrolls late. You are also quite lucky as your room is thee only one with its own bathroom." "Sweet!", I replied before the Colonel continued, "I'll go now so you can get settled in before, you head to your classes. I'll also let your instructor know you'll be on your way shortly..." "Thank you so much, Colonel..", I replied as the Colonel left me to unpack.      
          After unpacking, and getting settled into my dorm room, I gave a quick call to my sister letting her know I'm all settled in, and everything. We talked for a few minutes before, she had to go as Katie was fussing. After Kristen hung up the phone, I proceeded to look over my schedule, as well as the time, and noticed it was my fourth period which was training.                                                       After preparing a gym bag that contained; an extra outfit, a baggy t-shirt and basketball shorts, tennis shoes, my hygiene products, a towel, a couple water bottles, and a few snacks.

      I grabbed my bag then proceeded to the gym for training. I went up to the instructor, and introduced myself, "Good morning, I'm sorry to interrupt but, I'm a new cadet. My name is Sergeant Kelly Keller..." My instructor had then  shook my hand and said, "It's nice to meet you!" followed by a smile. I then replied, "It's nice to meet you, too!" The two of us had then shook his hands before, he had his female assistant escort me to the ladies locker room to get changed, and to assign me a locker.

 After she made sure I was all set, she left me to get ready. Once she was gone with my bag still slung over my shoulder, I slipped into one of the stalls to do my business, and to get changed.        As I finished, I packed the rest of my things up,and headed out of the bathroom stall, and over to the vanity were I fixed my hair up into a ponytail.                                                                                                After I was pleased with my appearance, I grabbed my bag, and shoved it into my newly assigned locker before I joined the others.

    With a smile on my instructor's face, he said, "You're just in time as we're about to start our next lesson.." I just smiled and joined the others in line as he began to give us our instructions.    He said, "Out in the field, you must be ready for anything including the unexpected so for the next few days we will be testing your skills to see if you're truly ready for anything.."

    As he continued, I smiled slightly as I thought to myself, "Really? This is it? This is going to be a breeze as my Marine training was mainly about expecting the unexpected and of course, survival.."
    Anyways, my thoughts had then began to trail off till a really skinny blonde who thinks she's better than everybody else that I was introduced to as Chelsea  whispered, "What are you smiling at?.." I just ignored her as our instructor began to pair us up.

    Luckily, I wasn't paired up with blondie for my first partner, and was able to drop my first few partners like flies, enabling me to fly through our assigned exerciser with ease. However, it was now my turn with Chelsea.                                                                                                                                                  I stood in the upper right hand corner of the mat while, she was in the lower left. I stood there waiting for her to make a move however, she just stood their in a boxer's position with her arms up shielding her face as she supposedly smack talked me.                                                                                   Unimpressed, I just looked at her and asked, "Are you going to go or are you just going to air-punch me to death?"                                                                                                                                                              She didn't quite like what I said so began to throw punches however, I dodged everyone which angered her even more.                                                                                                                                                         Chelsea then pulled back the finger guards on her gloves, and poked me straight in the eyes.         Then the few moments, I couldn't see she tripped me, took me down then pinned me to the ground.                                                                                                                                                                                         My first partner; Caleb, our instructors, and our nurse on stand by came rushing over. They yanked Chelsea off of me then, helped me sit up and got me checked out.                                                    Luckily, I was ok within another moment or two however, Chelsea started to really piss me off.      Caleb saw the anger boiling up inside of me so, he helped me cool off till after our training was done for the day. He even invited me out for a drink or two sometime with him and a few buddies of his.                                                                                                                                                                             I didn't want to be rude so excepted his offer, and used what sanity I had left to power through the day where I quickly proved my skills, thoroughly impressing everyone, and rose to the top of my class where I became the next big thing in thee Academy.

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