All I Ask

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All I Ask- Adele
The New York air was crisp. It had been two months since Natasha had been here. Since she had been put in command at another Shield base overseas in Russia, she no longer lived there. But she came and visited her friends when she could. She only had one night in the city so there was a certain friend she was going to visit. One particular super soldier.
She had stopped by a coffee shop and got two coffees and a bag of scones. As she approached his apartment building she started thinking about this thing they had going. They weren't a couple, nor were they just friends. You could say they were friends with benefits or occasional lovers. But something about it left a question as to if there was more than that. Of course, Natasha had never felt compelled to open that door.
She walked into the building and let herself in. He had given her a key for times like this. Plus she wanted to surprise him. She took the stairs up to his place. Now she stood in front of his door, wondering what waited on the other side.
She lifted her hand and knocked. "Coming!" She heard from the other side. With in those few seconds he opened the door and saw her petite figure standing in the doorway.
"Can I --" she stopped mid sentence because she was interrupted by his lips crashing onto hers as he closed the door behind her.
In all the rush, she dropped both coffees. They hit the ground, creating a large puddle on his hardwood floor.
"You're- going to- have to clean- that up." She managed to speak through his  kisses. 
"I'll get it later." He started kissing along her jawline and down her neck. She removed her coat and he carried her to the bedroom.
"Easy." She smiled. "What's the rush? I brought scones too." She loved trying to make him sexually frustrated.
"Screw the damn scones."
"Well I thought that's what I was here for but if that's what turns you on, knock yourself out." She joked.
"Damn it Tasha. Quit playing games." He looked at her with frustration.
"Shh. Easy soldier." She gave him a sensual kiss. "We've got all night, but the problem is we've only got tonight so let's not rush things. Let's make this night count." She placed her hand on his cheek. Her soothing voice calmed him. His stern eyes softened.
"Sorry. It's just been a while since I've seen you. I don't want to waste any time." He sat next to her.
"It's okay. But I want us to take this slow. Enjoy each other's company." She kissed him once more, this time her lips lingered on his skin. "I've missed you." She whispered.
He was short of breath and didn't open his eyes. "I missed you too."
She gave him slow kisses down his neck. "Now. Where were we?"
It was in the early hours of the morning and the sun should be rising soon. Natasha would have to leave soon so they stayed up the whole night. They laid there in silence, occasionally asking if the other was asleep in which it was always answered with a "no" or "still here".
As he held her small frame against his, something crossed his mind the seemed to unease him. "Tasha?" He looked down at her to find a beautiful mess of red curls.
"Mhm?" She muttered.
"Why tonight? Why did you want this night? Of all nights. To remember?" He asked.
She was silent for a long time. Finally she spoke. "After this night. I'm going back to Russia. I won't be able to travel anywhere for a while."
"How long?" He wished she would look at him.
"Two years." She sighed heavily.
Now it was his turn to be silent. "Oh."
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I just thought it would be better if I just left." She held him tighter. "I think we need to go our separate ways."
How could she do this to him? He didn't want that in the slightest.
"No please. I just think it's best. Can you just hold me while you can?" She begged.
"Okay." His heart had broke completely. He wanted her to stay. He wanted her to be his and up until now he had thought she was. Even if she was thousands of miles overseas.
He laid there and contemplated what she would do if he asked her to stay. She did the same. She wondered what would happen when she left. She wanted the best for him. She wanted him to find someone, be happy. Even if it wasn't her. Granted, a man like this only comes once in a life time, but there was so little she had to offer him. She had done it, she had finally opened that door she was so reluctant to open and now she regretted it. She was truly in love with this man but no future. She would never find another man like him and she hated him for the fact that she would never be able to love someone else like this.
He didn't care what she said. He would wait, even if it took forever, he would wait. He wanted to offer her everything and then some with no expectation of getting something in return. He wonders what she would do or say if he was to tell her that she was the only woman to lay in his bed and that she would probably be the only one.
He trusted his heart that this was only something that would blow over. But for now it was serious, so he would only do what she asked. For the moment, he would only hold her.

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