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Born without a reason

Forced to grow up amidst

The ever-recurring seasons-

Just aimlessly exist.

No falter in that smile

No wrinkle on that face

And it's been quite a while

Waiting for things to fall in place.

I want to free my body

From the shackles of pointless fright

I can't bring myself to accept

That my soul will soon take flight.

That my very being is teetering

On the edge of life and death

That my parched skin is withering

And I'll soon everything forget;

That hundreds of unlit lamps

Will never drench me in their glow

And I'll gaze at them wistfully from above-

My unmet dreams below;

Everyone's here for one long day

And I've overstayed my welcome

To my life thus goodbye I say

Dear Death, here I come.

And as the devil embraces me

And my last remains are burnt

I look back at those still alive-

And tell them what I've learnt.

You get one life, a single chance

A clock coated in gold

The key to eternal peace and joy

In your tender palms you hold.

So celebrate it, fulfill your dreams

Chase whatever you love

Just live your life, before it decides

To give you a little shove.

Don't ever assume things to work out

You don't know how time flies-

The brightest phase, the happiest days

Could be doom in disguise.

It's a pitfall nobody can cross

Wherein the demon lies

We're all servants of the inevitable end-

Prisoners of our own demise.

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