Ezio x Leonardo Lemon

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Ezio sighed softly as he dropped down from the last ledge from the roof of the house that was closest friend Leonardo Davinci. Since his uncle Mario, found quite a few codex pages that needed translation. He decided to stop by at Venice, Italy to see if Leonardo would be able to translate them. He wasn't in any rush in particular since he missed talking to him... And he didn't want to admit it... But he has grown quite fond of the man... Some would probably even say that he has a slight crush on him, but he keeps denying it even though on the inside he knows that it is true. After a few more steps and finally being able to come back from his train of thought, he was at Leonardo's front door. He could feel his heart beating faster and his face was red. He gulped down a lump that was forming in his throat. He then took a few deep breaths to calm himself down and once he was calm, he knocked on the door a few times after pulling his hood down and entered Leonardo's workshop. Leonardo looked over at the door and smiled brightly when he saw that it was Ezio. He quickly walked over to greet him as he couldn't stop smiling and said "Ciao Ezio! Come stai amico mio? Long time no see!" He said as he immediately hugged the taller assassin once he was in front of him and Ezio awkwardly hugged him back as he was blushing lightly but quickly calmed down once the embrace ended. Ezio then responded "Ciao Leonardo, bene grazie and yes it has been a while hasn't it?" He asked in embarrassment as he couldn't help but smile at the presence of his friend. Leonardo's eyes then traveled down to the satchel hanging from Ezio's shoulder and couldn't help but let curiosity take over as he asked "What's in the bag, Ezio?" Ezio then snapped out of his thoughts as he handed his friend the bag and said "My uncle Mario sent me here to see if you could translate these codex pages that he found... If it's not much trouble, I mean" Leonardo's face lit up with excitement as he quickly walked over to his desk and took out all the scrolls and placed them neatly on the desk and said "No no, amico mio. This will be no trouble at all. But since there are so many of them for me to translate you are going to have to stay over for a couple of days, if that's not a problem with you" Ezio felt the tips of his ears heat up as he thought 'Stay here?!... In Leonardo's house?!... Dio mio...' He then snapped out of his thoughts as he saw that Leonardo was already working on translating the first page. Ezio then walked over to him and said while smiling softly "No, I don't mind staying here for a few days. I just have to send a message to zio Mario" Leonardo nodded as he told his assistant, Vincenzo to send a message to Mario by pigeon. The man nodded and took the message from Leonardo once he was finished and Vicenzo went outside to the pigeon coop to send the message. Now Leonardo and Ezio were alone together. Leonardo then smiled over at Ezio as he walked over to him and said "Well Ezio, I don't really have a guest room and since I don't really have any guests that stay over so you and I will be sharing a bed... I'm sorry for the inconvenience" He said while blushing lightly as he scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment. It was now Ezio's turn to blush when he heard him say that. Leonardo snapped him out of his thoughts before they wondered somewhere else as he said "I'll show you where my room is so that you may rest up, is that alright?" He asked. Ezio was blushing so hard that he looked like a tomato but he he nods as he then started following Leonardo to his bedroom. Once there, Leonardo started fixing up the bed as Ezio quietly closed the door behind him and locked it. The Assassin then walked over to the artist and cleared his throat as the other man finished fixing the bed. Leonardo then turned around while blushing lightly and asked "Si Ezio?... Che passi?" Ezio then took Leonardo's hands in his and said "Leonardo... Amico mio... There is another reason why I came to visit you..." Leonardo then tilted his head to the side in curiosity as he asked "And what would that other reason be Ezio?" Ezio was blushing deeply underneath his hood as he then took a deep breath and said "Well... It is because I've been wanting to see you... Almost yearning to see you.... And all those codex pages, I have been saving them up for when I actually get to bring them to you... I could stay a longer period of time with you... Because when I just come and go with one codex page... I feel ashamed because I don't want to think that I only come here when I need you..." It was Leonardo's turn to blush as his friend continued to speak. But he felt bad when he heard the shame and sadness in his voice when he said that he didn't want him to think that he's just using him. Leonardo then lifted one of his hands and cupped his cheek gently while smiling softly and said "Ezio I could never think that you are just using me... I love having you visit me, even if it's just for a short while. Your presence here gives me happiness but I do feel lonely without you here..." Ezio could feel his heart clench in guilt. He never intended to make him feel so alone but before he could say something else Leonardo then said "Ezio... I must get something out of my chest... For the past year now I've been feeling strange everytime I'm around you... My heart rate increases... I start blushing... I feel a bit depressed when you leave... But when you visit, I never want you to leave... You could say that I feel, attracted to you... In a way..." Ezio could feel his heart beating faster and faster inside of his chest to the point where it felt like it was going to burst. He was so happy to hear that his friend actually felt the same attraction for him as Ezio did to Leonardo. The artist saw that the assassino wasn't responding to his confession so he looked down feeling a little bit insecure. But Ezio smiled as he then lifted up Leonardo's chin and placed a kiss on his lips. The blonde man was surprised at his friend's actions, but he felt extremely happy that Ezio returned his affections. He wrapped his arms around his neck and kissed him back as Ezio moved his hands around his waist. They continued to make the kiss more passionate and lustful as Ezio then pushed Leonardo onto the bed while continuing the needy kiss. As the need for oxygen grew, they separated from the hot kiss while panting heavily as a thick spit chain connected from they're tongues. Ezio then started kissing down from his jawline, down to his neck. It didn't take long to find out where Leonardo's sweet spot was as he then started sucking and biting on that spot as he left a noticeable hickey. He smirked at the mark and said "I have marked you, so you are now mine and only mine~" Leonardo couldn't help but shiver in pleasure as he enjoyed how deep Ezio's voice sounded when he said that. Ezio then leaned in for another kiss which Leonardo quickly returned. Ezio then started undoing the Artistic man's shirt and slipped it off him and threw it to the ground. He then separated from the kiss which caused the man under him to whine. He then started kissing down his jawline, down from his throat to his collarbone. He then kept kissing down his chest until he reached the edge of his pants, which he quickly took off only to be met with his lover's erected member. He smirked as he took hold of it and slowly started moving his hand up and down Leonardo's cock which made the smaller man moan under his touch. Ezio continued to tease the moaning mess of a man until he knew that Leonardo's climax was coming so he stopped. This made the blonde whimper in disappointment as he then asked "Ezio... Why did you stop, I was so close!" Ezio chuckled at how cute he looked when he begged. He then started taking off his own clothes until he was stark naked. The artist couldn't help but blush at how sexy his lover looks. He looked at him up and down bit once he caught a glimpse of his erection, his face turned so red he looked like a tomato as he thought 'How the hell is that going to fit into me?!' He then gulped nervously as the Assassin kept smirking at his reaction as he then asked "You like what you see ragazzo~?" Leonardo slowly nodded as he then saw Ezio crawl off of him and go get a jar of oil that Leonardo had in his room. Once he had it in his hands, he crawled ontop of his love and dipped his fingers into the oil. Once his fingers were lubricated enough, he put the jar away and looked down at the other man. Leonardo just covered his face in embarrassment as he then felt something cold and slippery enter his tight ring of flesh. This cause the Artist to gasp as he wasn't used to such a strange feeling inside of him. Ezio chuckled softly as he then started fingering him which made Leonardo gasp and whimper a few times until he got used to the sensation. Once he though he was relaxed enough, Ezio stuck another finger into his asshole and did a scissoring motion as his fingers kept penetrating him. Leonardo then started letting out a few moans as he continued to receive pleasure by the Asasino. After a bit more of preparation and adding another finger into his now streached out entrance he took his fingers out which made Leonardo whimper at the lack of pleasure he was receiving. Ezio smirked as he finished rubbing oil on his large member and positioned himself in front of his lover's entrance and asked "Are you ready, amore?" Leonardo nodded eagerly as he waited to he penetrated by him. Ezio nodded as he slowly entered into his hole which was still tight but it took almost all of the Assassin's self control to not fuck him until he made the other see stars. The blond man gripped onto Ezio's strong shoulders as he felt pain until his lover stopped once he was completely inside of him. Ezio then leaned down and started whispering sweet nothings into his ear to make him relax. Once the artist was ready, he bucked his hips which made the man above him let out a groan. Ezio took this opportunity to start thrusting into him mercilessly as his self control was gone and was replaced by pure lust. Leonardo was clawing at Ezio's strong back as he was moaning out like a puttane as it didn't take long for Ezio to find his prostate. Ezio was groaning and growling like an animal in heat as he thought 'Dio mio~... He's so tight and warm... I already feel like cumming~..' Ezio then grabbed Leonardo's neglected member and started stroking it quickly as he wanted Leonardo to come with him. Leonardo threw his head back in pure ecstasy as the pleasure he felt was overwhelming and this caused his moans to get louder and louder. After a few more minutes, Leonardo came all over his and Ezio's stomachs and not long after, Ezio moaned out his lover's name as he released a rather large load into him. After they calmed down from they're pleasure high, Ezio took himself out of Leonardo with a small groan and collapsed next to him. He then turned onto his side and smiled as he saw that his lover was also looking at him with a smile on his features. Ezio then opened his arms for Leonardo whom quickly embraced him and nuzzles his warm, muscular chest. Ezio placed a kiss on top of his head and pulled the covers over them both and then said "Ti amo tantissimo, amore mio~" Leonardo then replied saying " ti amo anch'io, signor Auditore~" After exchanging one last kiss, they fell asleep in each other's arms.

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