Bella and Edward no return

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Hey, guys this is my first ever story so I hope you like it!!!!!!

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) : )

This story is about Edward never coming back and Jacobs is a werewolf.

This is when Jacobs promises bella that he will take her cliff diving.

 All rights go to the almighty Steph Meyer


Chapter 1


 Jacob promised me he would go cliff diving with me today and I can't wait!

   "Let's go" I begged Jacob

   "ok in sec just let me make sure we got everything don't want anyone to get hurt do we?" He replied

We set off to first beach and headed up to cliff I was so excited that I would see HIM again I couldn't even say his name. I was almost forgeting how his voice wrapped around my name and how pale, cold and hard his skin was. I couldn't wait to see him again even if it meant breaking my promise.

'Promise me you won't do anything stupid or reckless for Charlies sake?'

His words still haunted me for 5 months now I was hoping Jake would make me feel better but he only made me feel the tinest bit better about life.

"bella hello is anybody home yowho?"

Oh shit I didn't here jake calling me.

"yeah sorry just zoned out for a couple of secs uhhhhh what did you say?"

" I said i just have to zip home and get us some food and drink be back in a jiff" he said

"Oh don't do anything stupid or reckless ok"

That hit to close to home he left so I decided I would wait for a bit and jump i have to see him now


i repeted this over and over again until I was flying of the edge and it felt like the best thing apart from kissing HIM.

The next thing I knew I hit the water then I saw the thing that I never wanted to see for the rest of my life.

A mane of flaming red hair in that instence I knew I was going to die.

I tryed swimming backwards but everything went black I had hit my head on the cliff and was going to die. I had the feeling that some one was pulling me to the surface and was going to kill me.

"Don't worry the pain will only last for three days and then you will be one of us" Victoria sneered at me.

I whimpered and whispered "It won't hurt him he doesn't love me he will probaly not even recognise me"

This made her furise and she bit me on my finger so the pain could slowly spread around my body and burn me to a crisp.

That is when the pain started and I felt like I was charred alive for three days and then I awoke to my new life.

A life with no Edward.

Thanks for reading my first chapter I hope you liked it I will upload soon.

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