I'm Safe (Glenn's POV)

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Nicholas , he saved me by risking his own life , i fell underneath him , walkers...everywhere taking a piece of him , i couldn't believe what i was seeing , i began to pull myself under the dumpster , a few walkers noticed me and began trying to get to me but i got my knife and stabbed them in the head one by one as best as i could , i reached for some water and took a slight drink , it was getting dark i turned my head slightly and saw Nichola's corpse his eyes open and i just looked into them , he saved my life. I stayed under the dumpster until i knew it was clear of walkers , i pulled myself out and stood up , i saw the flare gun broken into 2 parts near a walker then i saw a walker with a gun. I picked up a water bottle hoping that i could get a little bit out of it but no luck. Until i heard a voice.

''Hey, heads up! Shit.I said heads up'' The voice said it came from the roof , she threw a bottle of water down but it came out all over the floor.

''Enid?...Enid'' I called out putting my hands to my head to see if i could see. when i looked she wasn't there. I grabbed my bag from under the dumpster and walked to a window , i climbed in it pushing everything off inside before entering properly. When i got inside i looked around before i started speaking trying to get attention of Enid.

''What are you doing out here?'' I asked her walking around waiting for a reply.

''There's another water bottle in the corner,Take it and go'' Enid demanded

I looked around until i saw it on the floor a full bottle of water , i picked it up and brought it to my mouth taking a few sips before wiping my mouth and trying to get Enid's attention again.

''You're not gonna answer me?'' I asked her.

''No'' She replied

''What happened in Alexandria? We heard that sound.The gunfire...Enid'' I asked waiting for her reply.

''What happened is what always happens...People died'' she answered.

''The herd broke through the walls?''

''What herd?'' She asked.

''The walkers,They broke out of the quarry early,We got on them, but that sound, the air horn, what was that?'' I asked her , i needed answers because i had no clue if my wife and child where alive.

''It was people, You should go''

''My wife and my daughter, Talia and Myra , are they okay? Enid? Are Talia and Myra okay?....Answer Me!'' I heard the floor creak and this means 1 thing she has escaped . I ran to the door to get upstairs and when i got up there i looked around and she wasn't there i saw the window and climbed onto another part of the roof and walked to where the stairs where , there was when i saw Enid , running away.

''Hey, Enid! Enid!''

I went back inside the building and too the door/piece of wood where the door was loose and i knocked it off i got to the banister of the stairs and threw my bag so it landed on the floor , i jumped through it and landed on the floor , i started running for Enid ...i went the opposite way that she went. I just kept walking , i came across a walker who was against a fence ...he was from Alexandria , i couldn't remember his name his eye had been that close to the fence for a long time that a piece of the metal fence had gone through it. I got my knife out and stabbed him in the head. I saw a piece of paper on the floor and looked at it reading what it said

'Betsy my love , if you are reading this , its because i didn't make it'

I knew that over this fence would be my chance to get back to Alexandria. I stood there for a moment and thought of Talia and what she would do in this position , she would stay with whoever was out here and get her back safe. I gave up and went off to find Enid. I knew she was in the building so i sneaked in where she couldn't hear me. She was at the door with it open slightly looking outside , i put my hand over her mouth and pulled her away from the door. and went back to close it

This is goodbye....for now (Sequel to The Governors Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now