The Past

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It was early Sunday morning,the sun was just rising. I was still fast asleep in my bed until my father barged in my room. "Nolan get up and get dressed he ordered tossing clothes at me. I knew better than to disobey him. I pulled myself out of my bed and quickly got dressed. Downstairs my father waited for me. He didn't speak he just went out the back door; I followed behind him quietly. I knew exactly where we were going. It was always the same every 2 weeks my father would take me to the warehouse. The warehouse is were we kept the toys. He would make me swear to never mention to our little visits here to mom. I was fourteen years old when my father introduced me to the toys. He said they were here for our pleasure and we could do whatever we wanted to them. The first encounter I had with the toys I was six. I had got sent home from school for punching another kid. My father brought me to the warehouse and made me clean the walls of a large room. As I was cleaning I could hear muffled voices and so I followed the sound. I found myself in another large room. Three girls were chained to the wall and they all stopped talking when they saw me. One of them gestured for me to come here. I was scared and confused but I made my way over to her. As soon as I was close enough she grabbed me tightly. "You have to get help okay" she said gripping my arm. She was hurting me and I tried pulling away but she just held on tighter. In the blank of an eye my father came into the room and removed me from the girls grip. He told me to go back to the other room. As I made my way back to the room I could hear loud screams. That day I changed and I never saw that girl again. Actually most of the toys never last long not the way my dad and his brother treats them. Mines usually last considering I use other tactics and don't visit them as often as my father and uncle does. The toys became my escape whenever I was upset or angry at someone or something I would sneak out and go to the warehouse. I found myself there more and more often. One night in particular just before my sixteenth birthday, I went there because my parents were up arguing and I hated being around them when they did. My father would just tell her lies and she would believe him. I loved my mother so much; I never understood what she saw in my father. At the warehouse I didn't bother with the toys that night. I actually ended up looking around my dad's hidden room where he spent most of his time with Angel. Inside the room was fully decorated and the walls were painted nicely. I didn't understand. It looked like a small house. On a self there was a small box with a note. "To my love angel" signed with a Z. Zed my father broke the one rule we had. Never get attached to the toys ever. I was furious he would do this to my mother. I grabbed the note and made my way back home. Inside my mom was in the kitchen and zed was no where in sight. "He's in love with someone else" I shouted. My mother turned around looking at me confused. I gave her the note and she looked it over. There were tears in her eyes and at that point I was enraged. "Where is he" I asked through gritted teeth. "Nolan I'll take care of this"she said crumpling the paper. As if on cue my father appeared. My mother glanced at me and then him. I wasted no timing tackling him to the floor. My fist pounded him in the first repeatedly until my mother shoved me off of him. She rushed to his side to make sure he was ok and then she turned towards me an screamed "Get out"! "Mom I-". She just ignored me and went back to checking him. I couldn't believe she had just kicked me out of the house. I got up off the floor and left. I returned later that night hoping things were better but I came home to find my parents dead and the police sirens outside my house.

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