New Beginnings

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"Nolan, Nolan"! My eyes shot open. My chest was heavy, my ears were ringing and my body was covered in a light sweat. I quickly set up in bed and made my way to the bathroom. I sighed looking in the mirror. Just another dream. I reached inside the small cabinet above the sink and grabbed my pills. I popped open the bottles slowly swallowing each pill. I walked back into the small white room and began my morning routine. 3 sets of sit ups, 2 sets of pull ups, and finished with push ups. Just as I reached the 50th push up my door opens. Everyday at this time the doctor came into check on me. "Good morning Nolan" the doctor. I stood up and grabbed my towel wiping my face. "Your leaving today" he said scanning the room. "How does that make you feel" he said now looking at me. I could feel the pills kick in and my body shut down. I looked over at the doctor. "I feel ready". After he the doctor checked my vitals, he left me on my own. A guard came in and took me to the showers. God I hated these pills. They made me feel nothing. The only reason I take them is so I could leave this place. I quickly took my shower and returned to my room. I was given clean clothes and new shoes. I put on the black pants and a blue shirt with the shoes and grabbed the few things I had. Then made my way to the visitor hall. As I entered the room I could see my aunt. She looked the same. Long brown hair, tall and slim. For once she was dressed casually in pants. I made my way over to her and she stood up embracing me in a tight hug. "It's been so long" she said pulling back. "Only two years". She gave me a sympathetic smile. "Well let's get going"she said taking my small bag. "There's a 6 hour drive to Hexton from here" my aunt said making her way to the car. I followed quietly behind her getting in the car. Most of the drive there was just silence besides the small talk my aunt attempted to make. I mostly gave her one word answers and kept my eyes looking out the window. At some point I fell asleep. It was always the same dream. I all I could hear was screaming but I couldn't see anything. Then suddenly my vision comes to life and I'm walking down a hall,my fingers trail along the wall as I make my way to the end of the hall. I slowly come to a stop as I reach the end and slowly push open the door. There's blood everywhere. My eyes scan the room and I see someone on the floor crying. As I step closer they look up. "Please don't do this" the woman says and before I can stop myself she screams my name and I jolt awake. "Nolan where here" my aunt said slowly pulling in her drive way. As I made my way out the car and into the house I couldn't help but scan the place. My family always had money. This house was a prime example of it. My aunt stepped in beside me and called out for someone. I paid her no mind as I began exploring the house. My hands glided across various expensive objects that where placed around the house. "Nolan come meet Flan" my aunt shouted to me. I followed where I heard her voice call out. Inside the my aunt stood by the stove and a woman sat at the table. My eyes instantly scanned the woman she short with black hair she looked like she had to be somewhere between 30-35. Her eyes met mines and I could tell she was gonna be a problem. I flashed a simple smile. "Nolan this is Flanary she's a good friend of mines who helps me out around the house" Astrid my aunt said. "Nice to meet you" I said extending my hand. She hesitantly took my hand shaking it. "I expect you to treat her with respect. Now go check your new room dinner will be ready soon" she said before returning to cooking. Flanary showed me up to my room and left me to myself. My new room was much bigger than the old one and it had a tv. A large walk in closet already full of expensive clothes and shoes. I tossed my small bag of things on the bed and decided to look around some more. This house wasn't much didn't from my old one except my parents weren't here. A part of me missed. All the memories seem to flood myself and I can feel tears start to build up. Dammit the pills are wearing off. I quickly wiped my eyes and went back to my room taking my pills. I took a sigh of relief as I swallowed them laying back on my bed. Moments later my aunt called me down for dinner. The table was set for two I took a seat at one end and my aunt the other. "Where's Flanary" I asked making myself a plate of food. "She needed to get home to her daughter Olivia". It was hard to think that woman had any kids. "Speaking of Olivia, she goes to the school you'll be attending. She's very smart about your age and I think she's single" my aunt said with a wink. I stayed quiet and began eating for most of dinner it was quiet. Once I finished I cleaned up and went back to my room. I stripped myself of all clothing and grabbed a towel going to my own bathroom. I turned on the shower closing the door and stepping in. The first shower in two years where I didn't have some perverted guard watching my every move. The water was hot as I let it just run over my body and my eyes shut. I stood there for awhile just enjoying the solitude before showering. After my shower I grabbed a pair of boxers. I didn't bother with much else considering I preferred to sleep that way. I crashed on my bed and I found myself slowly drifting off to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2015 ⏰

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