Chapter 3

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After about 10 minutes of searching, I finally come across the toilets...just in time! As I come out, yep you guest it, I'm lost again. 'How the hell did I get here' I wonder. I try and retrace my steps. After about the hundredth corner, I bump into someone and go flying backwards. 

"Ouch" I mutter to myself.

"Oh my god I'm sooo sorry" the person says running up to me "are you ok !?"

"Sorry, yeah I'm fine" I say quietly keeping my head down. 

"I really am sorry I was in a rush. Here let me help you up" he says, lifting all my weight up with ease. "What are you doing here anyway?"

I look up and completely forget to breathe. 'JORDAN BANJO!!!!!!!!!!! O sh*t omg what do I do where can I hide !? Am I being serious, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity and I want to run!? But I'll make a fool out of myself...I already am !!!...'the arguments in my head carry on until I realise I've been staring at home like a complete moron.

"Uhh... Umm... Errr... I-I I w-was looking f-for the loo but umm I d-don't know the the w-way back..."I stutter 'wow way to go Sophie' I think.

"Well, somehow you've managed to find your way backstage!" Jordan chuckles. " you need to go back up there" he says pointing me directions "then go left, second right and right again through the double doors, carry on turn left..."

I pretend to remember everything he just said and act (badly) like I know what I'm doing. As you can probably tell by now, my sense of navigation isn't the best.

"Jord... Jordan!!... Where the hell are you mate hurry up!!" A distant voice shouts soon followed by yet another figure. "There you are, hurry up show starts in 5 minutes!" 

'Omg it's only PERRI KIELY!!! Ok I really have to get out of here I cannot mess this up. I've had like a huge crush on him for ages. I should at least be allowed some time to prepare for a moment like this! This is totally unfair! I turn and of course, life has decided to mess up my life at the most important time because... I walk straight into a wall.

"Woah!" I say to myself in a stupid voice. I feel my face heat up like a fire and try to cover it up with my hair. I give myself one last time to escape so I quickly run down a corridor, only to realise that this one had a dead end. 

"Are you ok!?" Perri asks following me. 

"Yeah fine" I squeak in a panic. I cannot let Perri see me like this. I cover my face, turn back and he's standing a few feet away. No way of getting out now. I stand by a wall and hope that I can melt into it. Sadly, I only slide down it. Perri crouches down next to me and puts a comforting arm around me. 

"Please don't panic, I don't bite" he says calmly, a smile creeping on his face. "What's your name?" He asks.

"Sophie" I manage to say.

"I like it" he says making my heart miss a beat. "The show is due to start in like 1 minute, you might want to head back" he says giving me clearer directions. "Nice meeting you Sophie, see you around soon". He gave me a big warm hug before disappearing to go on stage. I race back to my seat, trying not to miss the show. I open the door to find that the show had started and Perri was standing on the platform closest to me holding his phone out. I was just in time to hear the DV boys announcing selfie time. Perri jumps off the platform and notices me, runs over and holds out his phone.

"You wanna take a selfie?" He asks with a cheeky smile. Without giving me time to react he stands next to me and takes one.

"Nooo I like terrible delete it ! " I say laughing with embarrassment.

"No way I'm keeping it!" He says laughing more, " but if you don't like it lets take another!" He jokes, pulling a silly face and taking another dozen photos. I point out to him he's actually supposed to be on stage by now. He holds my hand, looks at me and winks before dashing off and taking a few more quick selfies with other fans. I look down at my hand, noticing a piece of paper. I open it.

Call me sometime 😉 ***********...

*********************** hey guys hope you enjoyed this chapter, I'll try and update again soon xx

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