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I see you in the rain
Soaking wet, slightly quivering, touched by the melody of the droplets
Slowly swaying, waiting so I can take you inside me
Embrace your magnificence

Again and again I've been lectured about you being destructive
"Bad for you" they say

But how?
You feel so good, you give me hope to go on
You pulled me through the bad times
Remoulded the good to better days.

Those who insist you're ruinous have done nothing to liberate me like you do.

We merged into one and the result
A slow ecstasy

I held my breath and you invaded
Filling my lungs with a warm calming burn
Wearily flowing pass my lips with a thick distinct flavour
Slow and sublime you escape me, howbeit your effects leaving me dazed

Thank you for saving me,
My seven leave clover
With one more puff leisurely passing my lips.

ArbitraryDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora