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Lana's POV

Marina looks away and pulls from my arms.

Oh no. I did it again. I came on too strong.

She then climbs out of the hot tub, silent. I feel a head ache form in my temples and reach over to the crease between my  eyebrows. How could I have been so stupid? Again?

Marina's POV

The silence breaks when Lana says with sadness in her voice, "I'm sorry."

"Wanna get some food? I'm hungry." I ask, ignoring her apology.

She looks confused but agrees hesitantly, then we both dry off and get back to the hotel room.

We use the key card to get back into our room and I grab a navy sweatshirt and white skinny jeans. Lana grabs some clothes herself and we both take off our clothes. Lana looks away and I purposely bump into her, knocking her down onto the bed with me following. I hover over her body. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to-" she whispers and I cut her off saying, "My fault, sweet heart.."

I'm gonna break her like a barbie doll, push her face down in the dirt.

The lyrics form in my mind. I could lead her on and play with her. Or I could apologize to her. Am I evil or good?

I invited her to get away with me to hopefully mend our relationship a bit. The song I wrote showed that I was angry. I can't be angry.

No one else will love me. I NEED Lana. She's the only one.

I planted a kiss on her forehead and apologized to her.

She laughed it off and I climb off of her and we finish getting dressed.

We both exit the hotel and look around for a place to eat. Since we are so far away there is only a gas station across the street within a 10 mile radius. So we decide to just get some snacks or hotdogs there. We get into my car and pull into the gas station.

"I'll fill the gas tank." Lana tells me.

"What do you want to eat, dear?"

"A donut pleeeaase."

"No problem," I reply and walk into the gas station.

It smells of smoke and in the corner the cashier smokes a cigarette. She blows out the smoke slowly. The woman then smashes the cigarette on the counter while grabbing another one from her Camel pack. I shudder thinking about when I used to smoke. I force myself to go to the foods section to get some donuts for Lana and I. I choose a mapel and a glazed one and walk to the cashier with deadly smoke dancing around her.

She cashes in the donuts without a word. When the woman with her cigarette still between her fingers gets some change in exchange for my 10 dollar bill. I hear the bell that connects with the door ring. A young woman walks in. She has a leopord print jacket with a frilly skirt. She is holding a Prada bag and has a high pony tail in. She looks around in disgust when she connects eyes with the cashier.

The smoking woman mutters, "Oh fu-"

"Brielle!" The Prada bag woman exclaims with hatred in her voice.

"Why are you here?" The cashier demands.

"Take me back!" The woman begs.

"Get out of here, Jackie!" The cashier yells while throwing her cigarette at the other woman.

What is going on?

I look to Lana outside who hears the commotion and rushes to the gas station.

Jackie screams and pulls something out of her coat as Lana pushes past her and runs towards me.

"Marina, she's holding a gun," Lana whispers into my ear, clutching my arm. "we need to get out of here!" Lana quietly demands and pulls me away.

"Hey, Missy. What are you doing?" Jackie shouts towards Lana while pointing the gun at us both. Lana's grip tightens while Brielle screams at Jackie, "Calm down! It's not their fault!"

Jackie points the gun at Brielle now. And in an instant, she falls to the floor. I hear her head hit the ground after a loud gun shot noise, blood gathering around her.

I scream, horrified. Lana covers her mouth with a squeak escaping her lips.

Jackie looks at us. The barrel of the gun looks at us, mocking us.

"Can't have any witnesses." The mad woman mumbles.

"M-marina! I-I-I love you!" Lana exhales in breathy shrieks.

"I love you, Lana!" I cry as it all happens.

Lana falls from my arms.

Her beautiful face knocks the cement ground.

"No no no no no no.." I mutter.

Blood trails away from her stomach.

"No!" I scream.

"Marina..." Lana mumbles.

I grasp her hand and kiss her cheek.

"We are gonna be okay, alright?" I reassure Lana.

A tear rolls out of her eye while mine drips onto her cheek.

My sobs grow louder. I hold Lana's limp body, feeling her life slip out of her. I tremble and my insides ache. This can't be real. This can't be real.

I see a couple people scamper in from outside and one calls the ambulance. In moments it arrives.

But in those moments I know I've already lost her.

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