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[Katelyn's POV:]

"Oh my gosh," I whispered to myself before dropping my phone and running upstairs into the bedroom that Luce and Michelle share.

"GUESS WHAT?!" I screamed and turned the lights on.


"Which means we have an hour to get ready!" I said and Luce rose up.

"For what?" Luce said and sighed softly.

"Uhh," I considered telling them, but I decided that they should be surprised. They'd love it. "It's sort of a surprise. Now get up and get dressed."

Michelle groaned and got out of the bed, running her fingers through her light pink hair.

"Oh my gosh. This better be worth it."

"Believe me. It is." I said before rushing out of the room and going to Ashleigh's room.

"ASHLEIGH! GET UP AND GET DRESSED." I said and knocked on her door. If there is one thing I've learned about Ashleigh, it's that you never go in her room without permission.

"I'm already up and dressed," said Ashleigh as she came out of her room.

"Wow. You must know about the meeting." I said and she nodded her head.

"Does Lucelle know?" Ashleigh said and I shook my head. We call Luce and Michelle 'Lucelle' because it's quicker than saying both of their names.

"No, they don't. I thought it would be great to surprise them."

"They need to know so that they know to be calm." Ashleigh said and I sighed.

"That's true," I said and left the room before going back into Luce and Michelle's room. "We're going to Hi or Hey records." I admitted as I went into their room.

"WHAT?!" Luce said and came out of the bathroom, half of her face had makeup and half didn't.

"We're going to Hi or Hey records." I repeated.

"Why?" Michelle said as she slipped on her favorite boots.

"Because they messaged us on YouTube and they want to meet with us." I said as Luce went back into the bathroom to finish her makeup.

"They? As in-"

"5 Seconds Of Summer!" I said excitedly.

"Holy shit! Ohhhhh my gosh." Michelle hollered from the bathroom.

"WE HAVE TWENTY MINUTES TO GET READY!" Ashleigh yelled and ran in the room.

After getting ready, we drove to the record company and walked in.

"Hi, we're Summer Avenue. We're here to see 5SOS." I said to the man at the desk.

"Great, the boys are waiting for you in the first room to the left."

I looked back at the girls and clapped excitedly.

"Ahem, hello?" I said as we walked in.

"Hi!" Luke said, smiling wide as he stood up from Michael's lap.

"Cough, Muke, cough." Luce whispered.

"Shut up. We're pretty much just like them." Michelle whispered back.

"You wanted to see us?" I said, trying not to make it obvious that I was nervous.

"We did, actually. So, we saw your cover of Airplanes." Calum said and spun around in a spinning chair for a moment.

I giggled as he spun around a few more times.

"I know, it kind of sucks." Luce said and Michael raised an eyebrow.

"Excuse me? That cover was absolutely amazing. Now anyway, let's talk about why you're here."

That day turned out to be the best day of our lives. We just couldn't believe it.

[[The picture that's attached is the outfits the wore to the meeting]]

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