Chapter 2

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I awoke the next morning, I heard mom and dad talking quietly downstairs. I looked over at my brother and he was sleeping peacefully, he was a little angel when he slept. I smiled and got out of bed and changed into a white lacy tank top, with black leggings and grey ballet flats. I ran a hand through my blonde hair and combed it down.

I then heard my stomach growl, I smiled and walked down the stairs. My parents stopped talking when they saw me standing there.

"Morning." I said, my voice slightly thick from sleep.

"Morning darling." mother said and walked over and squeezed me. I grinned and sat down at the table and quickly ate my small breakfast.

I then took the remainder of the candy and set it on the table, but when I was walking towards the door. My foot hit something, I looked down and saw the abandoned chocolate bar on the floor. I quickly picked it up and slipped it in my coat pocket. I said my goodbyes and then walked out the door.

I began to walk towards work, it wasn't that far so I decided to take the main road. As I was walking I heard a few men wolf-whistle in my direction. I sighed and rolled my eyes, I began to walk quicker.

I was about a block away from my work, when I heard a voice behind me.

"Well, isn't she a beauty." I faltered but didn't stop walking, I heard someone calling me. Cat-calling, that really gets me in a bad mood.

So I decided to book it and jog the rest of the way to work. I heard the crunching of snow and knew they were following me, I began to sprint.

I could see the shining lights of the shop, I heard the foot steps get closer. I ran across the road and to the other side.

I took my keys out of my pocket, and quickly unlocked the front doors. I ran inside and slammed the door shut. I exhaled with relief, I then walked over to the counter and slipped my apron over my head (apron above). I put my coat away but I felt weight in my hand when I grabbed the pocket, I knew it was the chocolate bar. I slipped that in the pocket of my apron.

I then began to wipe down counters and restock, I heard the door open and I glanced up and saw Maren standing there.

She was out of breath and shaking, I set down my rag and rushed over to her side. I pulled a wooden stool with candy designs out from underneath the register. She sat down and I took her coat, and gave her some hot chocolate.

"Maren, what happened?" I asked sympathetically, she sighed.

"I-I was walking down main street, when I heard someone calling my name. I turned and saw an older man and he was looking at me like I was a prize, you win at a fair. He was walking towards me and I just booked it." she said shakily, I gave her a tight hug.

"Hey! The shop doesn't open for another hour! Wanna have a snow ball fight?" I asked excitedly, she simply nodded and laughed at my childishness.

We stood up and I got her our coats, we walked outside and behind the candy store. Which was by Wonka's factory, I sighed wondering what was in there.

I then heard a whoosh and then coldness exploded across my head. I turned and saw Maren laughing, I chuckled and picked up some snow and made it into a ball. I threw it hard and it went right into her open mouth.

She coughed and spluttered, I began to giggle and then I began to peel into a set of laughs. I laughed so hard I was on the ground clutching my stomach.

We then continued our fight until it was time to open up our shop.

Willy Wonka's POV (SUR-prize)

I was staring out the window in my office, when I saw a woman with blonde wavy hair, and startling grey eyes. She was beautiful. I then saw snow explode over the side of her head, she turned and I saw another woman with brown hair, that had a pink streak in it and brown eyes. Laughing incredibly hard, I saw the blonde one pick up a snowball and throw right into the other girl's mouth. I cringed slightly as she coughed and spluttered.

I need to find out who that blonde girl is.

Serenity's POV

We walked back into the candy store and dried off, we then heard our boss Bob walk in the door. I smiled and he nodded to me, he smiled at Maren and then he went into the back to prepare for the huge day we have. It was the first day we were selling Wonka bars that have golden tickets in them.

I was shaking when it was five minutes until we open our doors, and there was a long line outside. Maren was trying to comfort me, I hated being in big crowds. I'm claustrophobic, so when everyone is crowded around me I tend to um, flip out.

I heard the timer clicking, and then the buzzer. I saw Bob walk over to the door and unlock the door and the people barged in here.

Time Skip Brought To You By Serenity's Obsession With Chocolate

It was after work and Maren and I decided to take the back root home, she had to help me out the door. I was still shaking from a confrontation from a man who kept asking me for my number and was threatening me. I was a little ticked off as well, so when the shop was out of sight. I sighed and fell into the fresh powdery snow,

"Maren? Can I sleep here? I so tired." I said in a baby like tone, Maren only chuckled.

"Stand up, and I'll give you a piggy back ride home." she said, I sprung up faster than you could say, 'Chocolate.'

She turned around and I jumped on her back and she huffed,

"On-ward Dasher and Dancer, Prancer and Vixen, Comet and Cupid, Donner and Blitzen. But NEVER FORGET RUDOLPH!" I yelled and Maren giggled, we then took off. Her sprinting and me giggling and trying not to pass out. I continued laughing until we were a block from my house, "Ok, Maren put me down." I said breathy, she dropped me suddenly and I landed on my butt painfully.

"Ow!" I exclaimed, Maren turned and saw me on the ground.

"Oh gee, I'm so sorry Ren. Are you ok?" she asked sincerely, I exhaled and nodded.

"I gotta get home, see you tomorrow." I said as I got up.

"Oh, great I'm gonna be limping for a while." I breathed as I began to walk and felt the aching pain in my tailbone.

I began jogging home, it wasn't that bad. But I was so focused on walking properly, I whacked my head against the slanted door frame.

"Ow.." I said as I rubbed my sore temple, mother went outside and broke up some ice and put it in a bag and handed to me.

"How was your day?" she asked,

"Is Charlie here?" I asked, she shook her head.

"It was a living hell." I said, and mom nodded understanding what had happened.

I sighed, I had grabbed the candy bar again. I don't know why it was so important to me, I just felt like it was my life in wrapping paper.

I got out the chocolate bar, and I heard the door open. It was Charlie.

"Hey! Charlie! Wanna have some chocolate?" I asked, I heard his light footsteps bolt to my side.

I handed him the bar, he peeled off the wrapping paper. I then saw him pull off the paper, and I saw a hint of gold.

I inhaled sharply, inside the wrappings. Was a golden ticket.

Talking To My Dream *A Charlie & The Chocolate Factory Love Story*Where stories live. Discover now