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***Don't question the chappy name -_- I can smell the doubt***

"You think you can get rid of me just like that? I'll show you! You will feel the greatest pain a person could ever feel!"

Ichigo jolted awake, sweat covering his body, and his hair matted. Sitting up, Ichigo ran a hand through his hair before looking around. He was in one of Shiro's spare bedrooms by his own, master, bedroom. Ichigo liked the simple room, it wasn't too gaudy, but it wasn't too plain; and the bed was super soft. But now, Ichigo didn't want to go back to sleep. Instead, he got up, and went to the bathroom.

After he finished his business, he looked at himself in the mirror, and found no major changes to his complexion. Shiro had said that before the drugs, Ichigo looked more normal than he did now. Shiro had said his hair was a brighter orange, instead of having the white streaks in it, his eyes were mocha colored, not golden, and his skin was tanner than it was currently.

Looking closer at his eyes, Ichigo noticed the brown specks among the golden pools, 'So he was right..'

Ichigo knew he had been drugged, but for some reason, he didn't mind; but now, the thought scared him. Shiro says it was because of the chip, but Ichigo has a doubt in the back of his mind, that it wasn't just the chip.

A memory of Kyo grinning flashed before Ichigo's eyes, making the orangette gasp and take a step back. Shiro had also told him about who Kyo really was. Kyo wasn't really a person, he was just another personality of Ichigo's that the drug had made Ichigo think he had; he also said that some people who took the drug got a violent second personality, he says that's what happened to Grimmjow.


It had been a week now.

His old friend was dead.

Because of that fucking drug.

Ichigo clenched his teeth tightly, 'I'm going to murder Aizen, slaughter everyone else in those damn tunnels. Starting with Szayel.'


Ichigo's fist clenched at his side.

"Bring them to their knees."

The voice hadn't gone away. It would still whisper to Ichigo now and then. It will be quiet for a while, and Ichigo will think it's gone, but when he starts getting violent thoughts, or if he gets angry, the voice will whisper to him ever so softly. 

'No. I need to be calm.'

"Screw being calm!"

Ichigo felt his body falling backwards, but he couldn't stop it, he couldn't move. His head was spinning, and when it hit the tub behind him, he was knocked out cold.

When Ichigo opened his eyes, he was standing in the dark room again.


"You should have listened to me," Kyo stepped out of the darkness, rage pouring off of his body in waves, "now, I have to teach you the hard way not to disobey me."

Ichigo's eyes narrowed, "I'm done taking orders, and I'm done with this stupid drug. I have a life!-"

"Had a life!" Kyo spat, "This one is better. This one has power. This one is ours."

Ichigo balled his fists, "I'm going to get my old life back. Shiro said he will take me to my family once the drugs are out of my system."

Kyo grinned, "That's where you're wrong..."

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