DAY 1:

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Words For Mikey: Day One

Vitality: exuberant physical strength or mental vigor.

It been exactly 24 hours. Everyone keeps telling me to be strong. "Be strong for, Michael". I don't want to be strong, Mikey. I want you here with me. Why'd you have to leave me here? It hurts so bad without you, Mikey. I love you! Why couldn't you have seen that! I told you so many times! I showed you in every way that I could! Dammit Michael! Please come back. I need you. It's been absolute torture without you here with me. The doctors won't let anyone in to see you because we aren't family. I really hate doctors. They might let my mum in soon since she's your emergency contact. The mum of that girl from the hospital's here. Her daughter Anna committed and she died. You won't die. You can't die. If you die Michael I swear I'm coming after you. I really want to see you. The last glimpse of you I got was when a nurse was leaving your room. You looked terrible. Your skin was almost green and your wrists were all bandaged up. The stupid hospital gown totally clashes with your hair too. That's the only reason I knew it was you. Your stupid hair. If you wake up I'll call it red. I really miss your eyes. Can you open them for me?

I love you,


"Ash?" the curly haired boy looked up at Luke from the paper he had read three times in his hands. "Do you remember, just after the accident, when Michael was the only one who could tell you the date? Do you remember what you said?"

Ashton nodded. "I said I'd wring your neck if you let him go," Ashton was staring at the blonde and Luke finally looked at him. Calum and Liz were watching intently.

"What are you waiting for?"

"Luke, no,"

"Are you going to do it or not, Ash?"

"Luke stop talking like that," Calum snapped.

"Are you going to do it or not, Ashton?"

Ashton couldn't find his voice. Liz was sobbing uncontrollably into her hands and Calum was trying to wrap his head around the situation.

"Please, Ash. I don't want to be here. Not without him,"

"Luke you need to listen to me right now. Are you listening?" Luke nodded and Ashton continued. "I am not doing that, and you are not going to hurt yourself either. Do you understand me? Michael needs you to be strong for him right now. He needs you to be here when he wakes up. Do you understand? You can't do that, Luke. You know how much it would hurt Michael,"

Luke nodded mindlessly, but he understood. Ashton was right. Luke needed to stay for Michael. There was a chance the boy he loved would wake up and Luke needed to be there if he did. But if Michael died. If Michael died Luke would too, whether it was in real life or just himself inside. Luke wouldn't truly live without Michael. Not anymore.

"I miss him," he said to nobody. He was having a conversation with the empty space in the room. He was just talking, but anyone who wanted to could listen. "It hasn't even been an hour yet, but I miss him so much. He used to tuck his nose into my neck when we hugged you know? It was like his little safe haven. One time his nose was freezing so I kept jumping away. He chased me all over the place until I let him warm up his nose in my neck,"

Luke laughed lightly before he dissolved into a painful round of sobs. Anyone listening tuned him out now. Only the empty space of the room was listening now.

"I should have known," he cried. "All the signs were right there in front of me. He, he even tried to break-up once. Do you know what his reason was? He said I don't want you to get hurt, Luke. He was trying to cut me out so I wouldn't get hurt. I told him no obviously. I said that he would never hurt me and that if he did I wouldn't mind. I think I lied, because I really do mind,"

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