October 31st,2015

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Chapter 2~
The cold icy air, the laughs of kids, and the creepy feelings is what I felt once out the door of the house

"Hannah can we go to that Halloween party at the community center!" Avery says as soon as we hit the first house for candy.

I may be 16 but your never to young to trick or treat!

After awhile of saying no I finally comply to her and soon were at the community center where we both stand outside.
My phone suddenly starts blaring through my back pocket


Kayla - "Hey Girll! Where you at? I'm at the community party."

Hannah - "Same. Where the guys at?"

Kayla - "Don't know but I see you!"

I turn around and see Kayla pushing people out of the way.

I hung up and started running towards the girl that's been my best friend since 2nd grade.

"Hey Hannah!" Kayla squeals.
"Hey! Did you bring the cat ears?" I ask because I forgot my cat ears at home.
"Mm, yep" She points above her head where black outlined cat ears showed.
"Thank you! Oh and by the way Avery's here" I take the cat ears from her head and turn to my side to point at the kids room window where I last saw her eating candy.
"CRAP! AVERY!" I yell spinning around to look for her "I can't lose her on Halloween! Do you know how many perverts are out there!" I say freaking out.
"Look! She's over there! She's entering the party!" Kayla points towards the entrance where colorful lights are spilling through the doorway.
She is so dead!
"Come on, let's go get my dead sister." I grimly say to Kayla.
The party was blaring with music and lots of people "dancing". "AVERY? WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU? AVERY!" I keep repeating the call with Kayla. "Move you sweaty little pig!" I say too a guy dressed as a big fat baby with a mask over his face. All he did was let out a gurgling noise. Almost like some liquid was filled in his throat. He suddenly lunged towards me, arms straight out like he's going to hug someone. "Ew! Get away!" I step to the side before he could reach me and instead of standing he fell to the floor and attracted people's attention. A girl dressed as Madonna kneeled down asking if he was okay and took the mask off him. It all happend so fast. Before you know it she was sreaming and blood was spilling from her neck where a chunk was gone. "Oh my god! AVERY!" As a older sister no matter what, you worry about your younger sister especially in this occasion when two people are practically dead in front of you.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2017 ⏰

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