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(Mabel's POV)
I hope Dipper doesn't get mad at me about having a sleepover he says 'we're too old' but you're never too late to have a sleepover. So here is another summer and both me and Dipper are 15. I invited Candy, Grenda, and Pacifica. I know she is my enemy and all but since the northwest manor being haunted and all that shit she has been really nice to me.
~~~Ding Dong~~~
"Mabel go get the door!" Dipper yelled from upstairs but I really don't care because it's Grenda and Candy. Grunkle Stan is out for a whole week so I decided to have a sleepover aaaaaa! I opened the door to see the girls. "Aaaaaaaaaaaa Mabel how are you?!" Candy screams along with Grenda. "I've been good guys is it okay if I err invited Pacifica?" I ask and to my surprise they shake their heads with huge smiles on their faces. I then hear another knock on the door and scream "Dipper come get the door I'm busy!" "Ugh fine!" He said back coming downstairs shirtless. Candy was gawking all over his toned abs. (A/N: Who knew spaghetti arm Dipper might have abs Lol)

(Dipper's POV)
I went downstairs to open the door and saw Pacifica. "D..Dipper!?" Pacifica said with a slight blush on her face I wonder why. Oh yeah I'm shirtless. "Hey Pacifica it's been a while. :)" I say. "Yeah it has." She replies back with a big smile. "So anyway what are you doing here?" I ask. If Mabel is up to this I swear she is so dead. "Oh Mabel she invited me to her sleepover she said it was gonna be so much fun and you were going to be there. Are you?" Pacifica asked. I could see the little hope she had in her eyes. I chuckled and said, "yeah I'll be there let me just go put a shirt on and I'll be back!" She nodded and came in and I came back downstairs fully dressed they were playing spin the bottle. "Hey dips come play." Mabel yelled and I went to go have a seat. Mabel spun the bottle and it landed on me. "Ok dips you have to.... Kiss Pacifica!" She said and I could feel my cheeks heating up. "Fine." Then me and Pacifica leaned in and kissed each other and she gave me a feeling I've never felt before.

(Wendy's POV)
I was passing by to get a pit cola in the kitchen when I saw Dipper kissing who I think is Pacifica. In that very moment jealousy struck me I always thought Dipper liked me and I'll make him like me again. Pacifica won't take him away from me that stupid bitch can't do that. "Heyyyy guys can I play?!" I say obviously interrupting their kiss perfect. "Sure Wendy." Mabel told me. "I'm gonna go to the restroom kay?" Pacifica said. Mabel then just nodded. "Here let me show you where it is!" I say and take her. Once we're far away from them I grab Pacifica by the collar and push her into the wall. Here's how the conversation went: "Listen bitch Dipper is mine because he loves me you're too ugly for him so back the fuck off!" I yell to her. "O...okay b..but your hurting me!" She said. "Okay and we never had this conversation!" I say and she nods. I head back downstairs as if nothing happened. "Hey guys Pacifica will be back in a minute." I say

(Pacifica's POV)
At first I stood there shocked I never thought Wendy would be like that she was always so nice. I then broke down and started crying my knees to my face. "I guess I can't *sniff* tell Dipper how I feel about him now and then." I say then I hear footsteps coming upstairs I look up to see Dipper coming. I try to get up without getting detected by him but I failed.

"Pacifica a..are you okay?!" He asks sounding worried. "Hm oh way for sure I'm good promise." I say while wiping my tears and giving a faint smile. "Okay I'll try to believe you." He says and walks away. I wish I can tell him but I can't. I go back do downstairs and see Wendy singing 'Love you Like a Love Song' by Selena Gomez and pointing to Dipper while singing it. "Um psst Mabel." I say and she takes notice and comes my way. "Yeah whats up?" She says. "After I sing my song I'm gonna go home my um parents called me." I lie I couldn't stay here anymore. "Awwwwe fine." She said. It was my turn to sing and I chose the song 'Thousand Years' by Christina Perri. I was crying while singing because well I really don't know why. After I was finished I grabbed my stuff and said bye to everyone and Dipper offered to walk me out. Wendy glared at me with a look that said 'if you tell him anything I swear you're dead' I nodded and walked out.

"Hey before you leave I wanted to ask you why were you crying?" He said. I can't tell him what happened I just can't. "Oh that um well you see I was crying tears of joy because Wendy told me she liked you!" I lied well way to go Pacifica you helped Wendy. I thought to myself. "R..really okay thanks for telling me bye!" He said and was walking away. "Bye. I love you." I mumbled the last part so it wasn't audible. Before I leave I get a glimpse of whats going on in the living room and see Dipper carrying Wendy while kissing. I can't help but cry. The limo came up to pick me up and I was in the backseat sobbing I couldn't stop the tears just kept flowing from my eyes then the memories came back from that night the night that Dipper saved Northwest Manor. The day I realized I loved him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2015 ⏰

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